Chapter 41

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"Hey." Rey gently wakes Jaina. "We've landed at the base."

Jaina slowly rises from the bed with Rey's help. She watches Chewie tenderly pick up Finn and carry him off the ship.

Outside, the medical team is waiting. "Easy, easy. He's hurt. We've got a heartbeat."

"Finn, hang in there." Poe whispers to his friend as the medics whisk him away. He looks back to see Rey helping Jaina down the ramp. "What happened?" He rushes to her other side.

"Oh this? Its just a little scrape and broken leg. No biggie." Jaina tries to joke.

"Jesus you're missing a hand!" Poe exclaims scooping her into his arms. "Kalonia! Someone get Kalonia!"

Jaina winces from the pain in her leg. "Poe, calm down. Finn needs her more."

"Oh Jaina!" Leia approaches.

Jaina's eyes well with tears. She doesn't need to explain her arm or Han, Leia already knows what happened.

"I'll be down to medical in a moment." Leia kisses Jaina's cheek.

Jaina looks back at Rey. "Mother, this is the young woman Papa talked about. She helped destroy Starkiller base and she saved my life."

Rey tears up looking at Leia. Gratitude and sympathy well in Leia and she embraces the girl. Rey feels her warmth and allows the comfort to take over.


Command Center

Everyone is in silence in the normally bustling room. No one feels like celebrating. The Republic has been destroyed and many were lost during the fight on Starkiller base. Chewie sits quietly mourning his best friend.

Leia and Poe enter after leaving Jaina in medical. They are both happy she is alive but are distressed by her injuries. Leia also is heartbroken by the loss of Han. How could Ben do all this? She never thought he was capable of killing his own father and maiming his beloved sister.

"General? Excuse me, General?" C-3PO cuts into her thoughts. "R2D2 may contain some much needed good news."

"Tell me." Leia eagerly replies.

Everyone has gathered as R2D2 projects a hologram of a large navigational map but it's missing a piece.

BB-8 beeps at Poe.

"Yeah, all right, buddy. Hold on." Poe runs over to the main computer and removes the data drive Lor San Tekka gave him. He kneels down and inserts it into BB-8.

The smaller droid projects the missing chunk of the map.

"Oh! The map! It's complete!" Announces C-3PO.

"Luke." Leia sighs.

Everyone cheers and embraces.


Medical Level

"It's a clean cut." Kalonia reports wrapping Jaina's arm. "We'll be able to place a prosthetic but I want to do a round of antibiotics first to make sure there's no infection."

"No flying?" Leia asks.

Kalonia agrees gently putting a sling on Jaina. "In addition your leg needs to heal. You're in a walking cast but unfortunately you're grounded for the time being."

Jaina frowns and looks up at Poe.

"Doctor's orders." He shrugs.

Leia gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead. "You'll be back in the cockpit in no time."

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