Chapter 20

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The sun blares wave after wave of oppressive and dry heat. Jaina's throat is rough from the desert air. The smell of smoke wafts in her direction and the sight of a wreckage catches her attention. She runs over a large dune to see a down TIE fighter in flames. Making her way to the crash site, she passes a stormstrooper without his mask unconscious. He seems to be breathing so she continues over to the rest of the ship. The main glass is shattered and inside she sees the outline of a jacket in the pilot seat.

Upon closer inspection she sees its tan leather with a red patch on its right shoulder, a matching red stripe on the other side. Memories flash before her... It's Poe's jacket! The one she wore on so many occasions. She reaches in to grab it but the ship begins to shudder and a loud blast pushes her back. Stuggling to stand she crawls over to the site but the sand shifts and the ship sinks into the hole.

"POE!!!" She screams.

Jaina wakes up thrashing in bed, her side throbbing.

"Damnit!" Her sutures have open and blood stains her shirt and sheets.

Warily she scoots out of bed and shuffles her way to the bathroom to clean up.

"Jaina... Are you awake?" Korr calls from the door.

"Yes... Korr I need your help." Jaina replies.

Korr gasps as soon as she sees Jaina's exposed wound. "We need to call a med droid to come immediately."

Jaina cleans the wound as best as she can while Korr makes the call. A protocol droid brings in breakfast and makes the bed with new sheets and blankets. Jaina settles back into bed when the droid leaves. Korr returns with some pain meds.

"Would you mind getting my mother?" Jaina asks breathlessly.

Korr tenses, "Uh... No, she has been called away... to attend some urgent business."

"What is it Korr? You seem jittery... Is it Ben?"

"No... not exactly." Korr bites her bottom lip. "We recieved word on the whereabouts of Commander Hux..."

"Please tell me Poe is with her..."

"Yes, they left early this morning." She affirms. "Your mother didn't want to worry you. We should hear from them soon."

Jaina sighs in relief. "Thank you, Korr... Will you come get me when you hear from them?"

"Of course." She smiles and leaves the room.

Jaina can't shake the dreadful feeling of her dream. "They're going to be all right." She keeps trying to reassure herself.

The med droid arrives and re-sutures her wound. It tells her to take it easy and not move around too much for the next few days. Better said than done. She's not the type of person that likes to lie around and do nothing. With all the stress on her as well she's about to go crazy. She paces around the room thinking about reaching out to her mother via the force but decides against it so she doesn't distract her.


1 Week Later

"My Darling, I'm sorry that I'm not able to return to you in person. Sondiv tells me you are getting stronger everyday. I'm so glad you are in good hands." Leia encourages.

"Yea, the sutures are healing nicely. I can walk around much easier now." Jaina smiles at her mother's hologram.

Leia continues, "That's wonderful... Unfortunately, I don't have the same good news. Commander Hux got away and we have not been able to locate him since. This is a top priority of ours and Poe sends squadrons out everyday searching... I've been thinking, it may be a good idea for you to get away from Hosnian Prime for a while."

"But what about Korrie?" Jaina furrows her brow.

"I don't sense her in any immediate danger as I don't think the First Order would be so bold as to do another attack so soon. And well...Not to be insensitive but this incident has lit a fire under many Senators. Sondiv and Korr have been busy cultivating their assistance to the Resistance."

"Maybe I could help them... If there's such a big turn around..." Jaina offers.

"I think they have it covered..."

"Mother... I've been going crazy doing nothing here for days. I can't imagine going somewhere on vacation and doing the same thing!" Jaina moans.

"I wasn't suggesting that exactly..." Leia chuckles. "Although I wouldn't mind some R&R like that myself. I was hoping you may want to do some investigating?"

Jaina raises her eyebrow, "Investigating?"

"Yes, We've been preocupied with subduing the attacks of the First Order. I haven't been able to allocate the necessary resources to find Luke. Perhaps you would be interested in taking this on for me?" Leia smiles.

"Of course! I couldn't think of a better way for me to help you." Jaina practically jumps out of her chair.

"I had Poe do a sweep of Yavin 4 today and he states there are no First Order vessels any where near there. You may want to start there, finish looking through the archives..." Leia advises.

"I'll pack my things and leave tonight!"

"Very well...I'll send a squad to keep patrolling the area. Let me know what you find...May the Force be with you." Leia concludes.

"May the Force be with you as well Mother." Jaina says while signing off.

Quickly, she opens her dresser drawers and starts stuffing clothing into a bag. At the bottom of the last drawer is her lightsaber. Turning it over she debates whether or not to bring it, it's been ages since she's handled it. She sighs and shoves it into her bag also grabbing a blaster on the way out of the room. 

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