Chapter 31

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"Finn!" Poe wakes gasping.

Jaina tries to restrain him, "Shhh... It's ok."

Poe looks up at her confused, "Jaina? Is it really you?"

She smiles down at him while stroking his hair. "Yes, it's really me."

His eyes begin to tear up as he reaches up to touch her cheek. She holds his hand against her. "I was afraid I wouldn't see you again."

Poe pulls her down to him kissing her as if it was the first time all over again. They stay embraced tenderly kissing for some time.

Jaina pulls back to catch her breath. She brushes back the stray curls from Poe's face. Looking into his dark brown eyes a thought pops into her head. "Who is Finn?"

A sheepish smile creeps up Poe's face. "Finn is a friend I made while I was captured."

"Is he part of the Resistance?"

Poe chuckles softly, "He's a part of the Resistance now." Jaina shakes her head not understanding so he continues, "Finn was a stormtrooper that turned against the First Order. He helped me escape. I feel terrible I don't know what happen to him after the crash. Did you by any chance see him on Jakku?"

Guilt fills Jaina as she thinks about her vision of the crash. She remembers seeing a stormtrooper sans his mask, but she was so occupied with finding Poe she didn't bother to find out who the stormtrooper was or why he was there.

She shakes her head, "No, I'm sorry I..."

"Ahem..." L'ulo stands in the doorway. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt. General Organa wants to do a briefing."

Jaina sighs, "Ok, I'll be right there." She hasn't left Poe's side since finding him crashed and definitely doesn't want to now that he's awake.

"You mean WE'LL be right there..." Poe corrects starting to sit up.

"No,no you have to stay put..." Jaina tries to push him back but he's too strong and already sitting on the edge of the bed. "Kalonia said you need to rest..."

"Jaina, please..." Poe whines. "I can't stay in bed when BB-8 is still out there and the First Order is closing in. I promised I would be back for him."

He stands, "Besides I'm fine."

"Just a few scratches, broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder... Yeah totally fine." She wrinkles her nose countering.

L'ulo chuckles in the doorway, "There's no use arguing Commander."

"See! Even L'ulo agrees..." Jaina gestures to Poe's second in command.

"That was meant for you, Commander Solo." L'ulo shakes his head. She glares at him as he walks away.

Poe pulls her close, "Love, I'm fine."

Jaina huffs against his chest. "Ok, but take it easy. I just got you back, Dameron, and I'd like if you stayed with me."

He smiles and kisses the top of her head. "You know you can't get rid of me that easily...Besides I still have to marry you."


"Our recon ships have reported a First Order attack on Niima Outpost, a small village on Jakku." Leia begins the briefing. "We have reason to believe they were after one of our droids." She nods at Jaina and Poe as they walk in.

"The question is, did they succeed?" Admiral Statura continues.

"A few ships managed to depart during the raid." Leia observes projecting an image of the attack.

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