Chapter 30

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"We need a plan in place before my daughter lands." Leia walks around the conference table.

Admiral Statura clears his throat, "With all due respect General, it's far too dangerous to go head to head with the First Order. Our resources are limited, we really need to have the full support of the Republic in order to do an all out assault."

Leia nods, "Yes, I know. Sondiv and Korr are working on it."

"I'm sorry to interrupt General..." Lieutenant Connix interjects. "Your daughter has landed."

"Great... C-3PO please bring Commander Solo in immediately." Leia orders.

"She's going to want to lead a squad to Jakku." L'ulo warns.

"Yes I know." Leia furrows her brows. "There will be no talking her out of it."

"Perhaps you should just let her go." Admiral Ackbar ventures. Leia eyes him stunned. "Think about it General... She'll do it on her own anyway. Better to be organized and prepared than have her mutiny. We can keep an eye on the situation and swoop in if need be. Hopefully, we will have the necessary back up from the Republic."

Leia bites her lip considering. She doesn't like the idea of sending Jaina into the thick of it. But Jaina is too much like her and Han, stubborn and determined. Ackbar is right, if they let her go with a squad she will have a greater chance coming back unharmed. By resisting, Jaina will go blindly alone and end up in Snoke's clutches or worse... dead. Leia looks up seeing Jaina rush into the room.

"So what's the plan?" She asks impatiently looking around the table.

"We are considering sending a squad to investigate Jakku." Leia answers.

Delight spreads across Jaina's face. "I will lead the squad."

"Of course." Leia nods.

L'ulo chimes in, "As Poe's second, I feel obliged to accompany Commander Solo. I'm sure the rest of the Black squad will volunteer as well."

"Uh I'm sure Commander Solo will be using her own squad." Snap interjects.

"Both squads will go." Leia settles. "Jaina will take a few to the surface and the rest will patrol and engage if the First Order starts any trouble."

"All right... Suit up!" Jaina orders.



"Ahhh! This thing really moves!" Poe giddily announces as they zoom out of the bay.

Poe orders the trooper to take out as many cannons as possible. They weave in and out of fire from the cannons. Poe lines them up perfectly to take out two turbo cannons. The trooper makes a clean shot and both yell in triumph.

"Hey what's your name?" Poe asks as he shakes off another cannon blast.


"F ... What?"

"That's the only name they ever gave me." The trooper answers.

Pity wells up in Poe, "Well I ain't using it. F-N huh? Finn...I'm gonna call you Finn. Is that alright?"

The trooper tests it out, "Finn... Yea.. Finn. I like that. I like that!"

"I'm Poe... Poe Dameron."

"It's good to meet you Poe."

"Good to meet you too Finn."

Finn feels something he hasn't felt ever... a sense of comradery. Poe knows he owes Finn his life and possibly the life of Jaina. He will never forget that and knows this is the start of a great friendship.

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