Chapter 19

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Jaina opens her eyes and is immediately blinded by light. She groans raising her hand to cover her face. Someone next to her caresses her arm soothingly.

"Hey... It's ok.." The voice is melodic and familiar.

Jaina moves her hand to see her mother standing over her.

"Mother!" She rasps.

"Shhh... Save your strength darling. You need to rest... I'll be right here." Leia whispers.

Jaina nods and closes her eyes. Her mother strokes her hair lulling her. She feels enveloped in warmth and comfort while drifting off to sleep.

In her dream she's in a wintry landscape, the scent of the tall pine trees all around her. The wind whirls blowing small snow drifts in her face. The sky is getting darker as the ground pulses beneath her feet. She ducks at the sound of X-wings and TIE fighters buzzing around. She feels his presence before hearing the click of his lightsaber. Twisting around she sees Ben standing feet wide apart, his attack stance.

"We're not done yet..." He bellows.

"Ben... What are you...." She backs away.

"It's just us now... Han Solo can't save you." He lunges toward her lightsaber ignited.

She falls back on the cold snow raising her arms to block his strike.

She awakes panting and covered in sweat.

"Easy... just breathe ..." A nurse advises pushing lightly on Jaina's shoulders.

At first Jaina fights the nurse swatting her hands away. Leia appears carefully moving the nurse out of the way.

"Darling, It's ok... you're just having a bad dream... Relax." Leia restrains Jaina. "A little help...Please."

Over her shoulder a figure advances from the doorway. Jaina freezes at the sight of Poe walking to the other side of her bed.

"There, see everything is fine. You're safe. " Leia smiles.

"What are you doing here?" Jaina squeaks, her eyes still glued on Poe.

"We came as soon as we heard about the assassination attempt..." Leia answers while Poe frowns staring at his feet. Jaina's eyes fill with tears.

Sondiv clears his throat leaning against the door frame. "Excuse me General, May I have a word?"

Leia nods squeezing Jaina's arm gently. "I'll be back in a moment... Poe will you stay with her?"

Poe grunts in response as Leia walks out. Jaina keeps her eyes on him afraid he will disappear if she doesn't.

"Thank you for coming..." Jaina whimpers.

Poe brushes his hand through his hair, "The General was desperate to see you... It was too dangerous for her to come on her own."

"I see..." Jaina mutters. She felt a sting in her heart from his cold response, it hurt more than her wound. He just kept his eyes down shifting from one foot to another awkwardly. "Are you going to look at me?"

He huffs and then raises his gaze toward her. His eyes are red with dark circles under them. She studies the rest of his face for a few seconds noticing stubble covering his chiseled jaw. He looks as though he hasn't slept in days.

"It's nice to see you..." She says wincing as she tries to sit up.

Poe immediately takes her hand so she can steady herself while his other hand slides across her back lifting her delicately. A blush creeps up her cheeks at the close proximity to him. She has longed to see him for weeks and emotions are overwhelming her.

"Poe, please say something." She pleads.

"I... I'm glad you're all right." His voice cracks as he speaks.

He fluffs the pillows behind her before easing her back down.

"I've thought about you everyday.... I miss you so much..." She whispers tears flowing down her face.

He looks down at her in anguish that breaks her heart all over again. He opens his mouth to respond but Leia and Korr enter the room.

"Oh Jaina, I'm so glad you're ok." Korr says rushing to her side. Poe moves to the window crossing his arms. "You lost so much blood and I was afraid you wouldn't wake up..."

Jaina takes her friend's hand and squeezes it. "I wouldn't give the First Order the satisfaction."

Korr laughs wiping her eyes. Her father Sondiv comes up behind her.

"Good news you're being released... We are taking you home!" He smiles triumphantly.


About an hour later they all arrive back to Sondiv's house. Poe carries Jaina from the shuttle to her room. Carefully, he lays her on the bed and pulls the blankets over her. She grabs his arm as he backs away.

"Please don't go..." She looks up at him with longing.

He sits on the bed next to her and she moves her head onto his leg. He absentmindedly runs his fingers through her hair. She fights the exhaustion coming on. She wants to savor every moment she can with him. Who knows how long they have together.

"Tell me what you have been up to..." She yawns.

"You need to get some rest. You'll need your strength in order to get back on your feet." He sighs.

"Ok... but don't leave. I've missed you... I need you close to me." She begs closing her eyes.

She feels the slight pressure of his lips on her forehead. "I've missed you too."

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