Chapter 23

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2 years later...

"This is Lieutenant Solo... Requesting permission to land..." Jaina announces over the radio. She is quickly approaching D'Qar at lightspeed and doesn't want to alarm the base.

"Where are you?" She is surprised to hear her mother respond.

"I'm just about to drop out of lightspeed."

"Great! I can't wait to see you!" Leia signs off.

Within seconds Jaina sees the familiar ring of asteroids that surround D'Qar. Her stomach does flip-flops from nervous energy. Not only is she excited to inform her mother about the Church of the Force but she will be reunited with Poe.

The last time they spoke was 1 month ago when he delivered supplies to her on Yavin 4. He spent a week there, most of the time at his old house and the force tree. She wanted to spend as much time with him as possible but she refrained remembering her vow to herself. The day he was leaving he came to the kitchen as she was making breakfast.

"Is there anything you would like me to bring back to your mother?" Poe asks leaning against the counter. His tone was curt making Jaina flinch.

Turning towards him, she tried to keep her voice warm and friendly, "No, Thank you... Would you like breakfast before you leave?"

"I should probably head out..." He responds tilting his head toward the door.

She places a plate of food next to him at the counter, "Just a little something before you go... It's a long journey back home."

Out of the corner of her eye she sees him pick up the plate and begin to eat. Taking her plate she sits on the counter opposite him. They eat in silence for a few minutes.

"Poe, I don't want there to be this awkwardness between us. We've always been able to talk to one another..."

He sighs setting his plate down. "What do you expect? You left me..."

"I went on a mission..." She protests.

"You went on an indefinite mission! We didn't discuss it, we didn't decide how and when we would see each other...You didn't even give me the option to go with you!" He pushes from the counter shouting.

Everything he says hits to her core. "You're right..." She stands knowing she will break once she begins explaining. "I didn't think about anything except my own selfishness. This was my chance to do something important, to be useful not just General Organa's daughter... I couldn't see past that."

She struggles to maintain eye contact and can no longer hold back the tears in her eyes. "I thought about you everyday we were apart... Even being here... It's hard for me. I just think about that day we sat by the force tree..."

Poe runs his hand across his forehead and through his hair. He hated seeing Jaina upset and it took all he had not to go over to her. "If that's true then why didn't you reach out to me? You didn't write or call or anything..."

"I didn't think you wanted to hear from me... We left things so badly... I thought you hated me..." She sobs.

Poe crosses the room sweeping her into his arms. "I could never hate you."

"I would have...And I do hate myself for being so selfish. Even coming here, I've secluded myself..Staying longer than necessary to train... I keep thinking I can bring Ben back on my own... That I need to be seperated from you so I can be strong... But I'm not... I'm nothing without you..." She sobs against his chest.

"Shhhh." He soothes. "I have always and will always love you... I need you too. I feel like I'm just going through the motions of life... I'm not living if you're not by my side."

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." She cries.

"I'm sorry too... I shouldn't have shut you out." He gently kisses the top of her head.

Jaina smiles at the memory. In a few short moments she will in his arms again. This time she's determined not to do anything to mess it up, she will keep him close forever.

She lands the shuttle and opens the door to see Poe grinning from ear to ear. He looks as dashing as ever and she slightly blushes at the thought of what she wants to do to him later. Not caring who sees, she runs down the ramp and jumps into his waiting arms.

"Welcome back..." He laughs steadying himself.

Jaina pulls back frowning, "Why so formal?" She doesn't let him answer, instead she kisses him. As the kiss deepens she entwines her fingers through his wavy soft hair as he grasps her back so there's no space between them.

"People are staring..." He whispers once they break for air.

"I don't care..." She giggles playfully biting his bottom lip.

"Ahem..." Her mother clears her throat pulling their attention to her. "When did this happen?"

"Some time ago...about 5 years." Jaina replies as Poe releases her. 

  Leia raises an eyebrow questioningly.  

"Obviously, we split for a little while I've been away but... we're back together now." Jaina continues. "I'm sorry,  I didn't want you to think we weren't focused on finding Ben and Luke.."

Poe takes a step forward. "General, I apologize we didn't tell you sooner...Please believe me, I love her more than anything in this galaxy and I'm completely committed to her."

Leia shakes her head, "I wouldn't have been disappointed...I'm not now, I'm upset that you waited so long to tell me...You should have told me when I assigned you the mission on Hosnian Prime... "

"All I can say is I'm sorry... I guess part of me felt like maybe I wasn't supposed to be happy yet...that until Ben was back and the galaxy was at peace it wasn't the right time." Jaina admits.

Leia's face softens, "Darling, I want you to be happy and have a full life... I don't want there to be any secrets between us."

"I don't either." Jaina says hugging Leia.

"And Dameron... You better be committed to her." Leia teases with a wink.

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