Chapter 29

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1 Year Later...

"The Resistance will not be intimidated by you..." Poe struggles. His head slams against the metal table he's strapped into. Blood and sweat drip down his chiseled features. Gasping for breath he tries to clear his mind.

Ren is relentless searching for anything about Luke, the Resistance base or his family. Memories of Jaina surface and Poe fights to repress them. Ren probes deeper pushing Poe harder into the table.

"You will give me what I want." Ren presses.

"No..." Poe exhales sharply.

"Where is it?" Ren pushes further.

Fatigue settles in and Poe yells in frustration as the memory of giving the map to BB-8 surfaces.

"There...." Ren smirks.

Poe slumps against the table exhausted. "Forgive me." He whispers as tears slip down his face.

"Don't worry you won't feel guilty much longer." Ren chuckles.

Poe opens his eyes leaning forward slightly.

"The map isn't the only thing I'm after."

"She won't come for me." Poe warns.

"You and I both know that isn't true." Ren says walking out the door.


Hosnian Prime

"POE!!!!" Jaina screams grabbing her chest. She sits up trembling in her bed at Sondiv's penthouse. It was just a dream.

Why can she still feel the heat radiating off the fire on her face and the cries of help still ring in her ears? She stands trying to shake off the trembling.

The scene replays in her head. Lor San Tekka is...dead, Ben slaughtered him. She felt his anger and Lor San Tekka's heart stop. Tears fall from her eyes at the loss of such a great man. Then she sees Poe charging to stop her brother.

Poe... Strong, courageous Poe. Her Poe. Ben knew he was important to her. She could feel Ben prying into Poe's mind, seeing her and the quest to retrieve the map. He was taken because of her. She should have been there. The trembling and tears become worse.

"Wait..." She thinks to herself. "Maybe this is just a vision and hasn't happened yet. I can still feel his heart beat."

Immediately, she calls her mother.


"What do you mean you've lost contact with Poe and BB-8?!" Jaina demands pacing infront of the monitor. "I knew I should have gone with him!"

"Jaina, please..." Leia tries to reason with her daughter.

"I'm going to Jakku." Jaina cuts her mother off.

"Absolutely not! We can't risk you getting captured by the First Order."

"The First Order has him?!" Jaina shouts pounding her fists on the desk.

Leia sighs, "Recon ships found First Order battleships in orbit with the planet. Scans also show the village has been destroyed."

The look of despair on Jaina's face is too much for Leia to take. "I'm sorry, Darling...It doesn't look like there are any survivors."

Jaina's eyes brim with tears. "He's alive... I can still feel him."

"Darling, I promise we will do everything we can to bring him home."

"I can't just sit here and do nothing!" Jaina cries.

"Jaina, Korr needs you there."

"No, no, no..." Jaina shakes her head. "Poe is more important! I don't care I'm going to Jakku!"

"Please wait, let us come up with a plan." Leia reasons.

"Fine, I will come to D'Qar to make a plan but I AM going to Jakku." Jaina declares before signing off.


"Jaina" Poe jerks awake still strapped to the torture table. He can't be used as bait to lure her here. There's a stormtrooper in the room with him. Slowly he tries to squirm his hand out of the constraints.

Suddenly the doors open and another stormtrooper walks in.

"Ren wants the prisoner." The second trooper conveys.

The first trooper nods in acknowledgment and opens the constraints.

"I'll take him from here." The second trooper announces. Poe watches as the first trooper walks out of the room. The second binds his wrist before leading him out of the door.

As they walk Poe devises a plan of knocking the trooper out and rushing to the bays to steal an aircraft. They turn a corner to a deserted hall. Poe gets ready to make his move but instead the trooper pushes him into a nook.

"Listen carefully, you do exactly as I say and I'll get you out of here." The trooper announces.

"What?" Poe asks confused.

The trooper removes his helmet. Poe is shocked by how young he is.

"This is a rescue. I'm helping you escape. Can you fly a TIE fighter?"

Hope swells in Poe, "You're with the Resistance?"

Now the trooper looks at him confused, "What? No, no, I'm breaking you out. Can you fly a TIE fighter?"

"I can fly anything." The cockiness returns to Poe's voice.

The trooper chuckles in delight.

"Wha - Why are you helping me?" Poe asks.

The trooper tries to look as earnest as possible, "Because it's the right thing to do."

Poe sees through him, "You need a pilot."

"I need a pilot." He responds embarrassed.

A smile creeps up Poe's face. "We're going to do this."

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