Chapter 9

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Jaina wakes up to the whistling of birds out on the balcony. The sun gleams through the french doors. Normally, this would be the start of a beautiful day but everything that has happen the past few days weighs her down. She pulls the blanket over her head to block out the world.

There's a soft knock on the door but she doesn't answer. A moment later the door opens.

"Good morning Miss Jaina." A friendly robotic voice addresses.

Jaina slowly pulls the blanket down to see her family's protocol droid, C-3PO standing at the foot of her bed.

"Hello, C-3PO." She greets back trying to sound cheeriful.

"I'm so sorry to wake you, but your mother requests your presence at breakfast." He lays a dress, her mother no doubt picked out for her on a chair and places a pair of shoes on the floor next to it.

"It's ok... will it just be us?" She asks getting out of bed to inspect the garment.

"I believe your father will be there and some of your mother's advisers and pilots helping locate Ben." He answers while making her bed. "Would you like me to draw you a bath?"

"No, Thank you."

She waits for him to leave the room and heads to the bathroom to clean up and get dressed. She puts on the dress her mother picked out, it's a jade green floor length dress with a lighter green silk ribbon sash. She decides to leave her hair down and flowing. She is no longer a Jedi and feels she should embrace what her new life will be.

She descends the grand staircase to the sound of clamoring and conversation in the dining room. She takes a deep breath to steady herself and enters.

"Good morning darling..." Leia greets her daughter as she stands in the doorway. Everyone is seated around a large round table with a massive buffet of food on the right side of the room.

"Good morning Mother." Jaina gently touches her mother's shoulder while walking around the table to the buffet. She exchanges pleasantries with everyone she passes and conversations continue when she gets to the buffet.

She reaches for a plate and feels her father sidle up next to her.

"There's no bacon..." Han growls. "It's my house and I don't even get any bacon."

Jaina giggles and places a big scoop of fruit onto his plate. "This is better for you."

He growls again and continues down the line. They sit down next to one another on the other side of the table from Leia.

"Now that we're all settled..." Leia announces as she rises from her seat. Jaina notices her eyes are puffy and she looks very concerned. "Jedi Master Luke has left."

Everyone seems quite shocked by the news. Leia looks directly at Jaina noticing she isn't surprised.

Jaina sinks down into her chair. Leia keeps talking about the strike on the Jedi temple and she's worried Luke may have gone back for survivors.

Han leans over to Jaina, "He told you where he was going, didn't he?"

"Yes... He came to say goodbye last night."

Leia frowns looking at them, "Han, do you have something useful to add?"

"Yes, We may know where Luke is." He puts his hand on Jaina's hand.

"He said something about finding the first Jedi temple." Jaina mumbles, embarrassed all eyes are on her.

"I don't understand why he would leave." An advisor next to her mother voices.

"He has a lot of guilt over what happen and he needs to find peace." Jaina answers.

"Do you know where the temple is located?" Leia asks unable to hide the irritation in her voice.

Jaina shakes her head and everyone starts guessing where the temple may be.

An idea strikes Jaina. "I may have an idea how to find him but I don't think you'll like it." She says as loudly as she can.

They all stop talking and look at her. Leia waits patiently for her to continue.

"Well there might be something about the first temple in the archive library... back on Yavin 4." Jaina winces waiting for her mother's reaction.

"That is out of the question." Leia responds calmly. "We don't know if the First Order and the Knights of Ren are still there."

"They probably burned everything of value anyway." Han scoffs.

"I don't think Ben would have let them." Jaina's chest burns at the memory of her brother and their time at the library. "The library was a special place to him."

Leia and Han have the same grieving look at the mention of Ben.

"Senator Organa, I would be willing to fly and retrieve the information." A dashing young pilot sitting a few seats away from Leia offers.

Jaina hadn't noticed him sitting there when she entered. He's quite handsome with his wavy black hair and dark brown eyes. She can't help staring at his chiseled features and square jaw as he speaks.

"If Miss Jaina will tell me what to look for, I can be there and back in no time at all." He flashes an amazing smile that makes Jaina blush.

"Poe, I don't think..." Leia begins to disagree but Han interrupts.

"Leia, It's something to consider. I can accompany him as back up."

"With all due respect General Solo, I think it will be less conspicuous if I were to go alone in my ship... Everyone in the galaxy knows the Millenium Falcon." He's some what cocky which adds to his charm.

"Listen Sonny, the Falcon is the fastest ship in the galaxy..." Han says pointing at Poe.

"We'll find another way." Leia says evenly. "I will get in touch with friends on Coruscant, they can check the remains of the Jedi archive there."

Leia and her advisers move on to another subject. Han excuses his self from the table and Jaina follows.

"Papa, I don't think there is another way." Jaina entreats Han.

"I totally agree." Poe says making Jaina jump. He gives her a wide grin.

How did she miss him coming out of the room?

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out." Han affirms. There's a twinkle in his eye and she knows that usually means he's formulating a plan.

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