Chapter 6

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. All searched for Ben throughout the Galaxy, from the Jedi knights to the New Republic along with Jaina's parents. They found more stirrings of the dark side and slowly the First Order rose to become a powerful threat.

It had been a year since Ben ran away. Despite what was initially thought, Anakin was excelling in his Padawan training even after hearing the news of Ben. And Jaina was about to begin the Jedi trials to become a Jedi Knight. Luke became more and more dispondent, he was hardly at the temple anymore.

The day before the trials happen to be the day Jaina and Ben turned 18 years old. It was just like any other day for Jaina though. She trained with Master Kyp and in the evening she sparred with Anakin to sharpen his lightsaber skills. She had a hard time sleeping and decided to walk off her anxiety.

She aimlessly walked around the temple and found herself in the library. She rarely came down here since finding the letter Ben left. Occasionally, Anakin would beg for her to read to him there but lately he's been too tired after sparring. She nestles into the back corner and piles books around her once more. Rain begins pelting against the windows and before long she is asleep.


The sound of thunder and lightening wake Jaina. The rain is steadily coming down now making a rushing sound. Wind moans outside and making the library windows shudder loudly. She begins to shake uncontrollablly, could this be it? Is this the day she has dreaded for over a year and a half? Then she hears the screams.

She feels the presence of Ben. Jumping up she runs from the library towards the screams. The closer she gets to the classrooms and bedrooms the screams and blasters are louder. Then she sees them, the men dressed all in black, the Knights of Ren.

She quickly ducks into her room and slams the door as blasters are fired at her. She grabs her lightsaber and waits for the door to be kicked down. Two men barge in and fire immediately, she uses the force to deflect the blasts and push the men out the window. She races into the hall where the Jedi knights and Padawans are joining the fight but many are falling quickly.

Jaina hurries toward the younglings and passes Master Kyp.

"Have you seen Anakin?" She yells as they fight side by side.

"He was leading the younglings to hide some where." Kyp recalls.

Jaina defeats the foe she was fighting and runs toward the younglings classrooms. She starts calling Anakin's name as she dodges blasts and checks each room. Where could he have gone? Then suddenly it hits her... the library.

A few Jedi knights are also in the younglings hall looking for the children so Jaina recruits them to follow her. They battle their way to the library. As they draw closer to the library she smells smoke.

Down the last hallway she stumbles falling to her knees. She looks back to see what tripped her and gasps to see it was a youngling. The others cry out at the sight of the younglings lying all around. Jaina pushes to her feet screaming for Anakin.

In the library she sees all the windows have been blasted open and the shelves are scattered. More children are spewed about the room. Then she hears whispers coming from the back corner. Her heart pounds faster, Anakin.

She climbs over the overturned stacks to their secret corner. Her heart drops at Anakin's limp body. A small girl about his age is whimpering next to him stroking his hand. At Jaina's approaching steps the young girl cowers back against the wall.

"It's ok... I won't hurt you." Jaina tearfully reassures.

"You're Jaina... Ani's sister." The tiny girl replies. Jaina just nods.

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