Chapter 10

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Han pulls Jaina and Poe into the library down the hall from the dining room.

"Leia can't know. She will be furious." He whispers closing the doors.

"Wouldn't it be better if we just wait to see what they find in the old temple? Mother will have no choice but to send us to Yavin 4." Jaina interjects.

"No, who knows how long they will take..." He waves his hand dismissively. "Bureaucrats!"

"Your father's right. We will find the information twice as fast if we look while the New Republic searches the old Jedi temple." Poe chimes in.

"See he gets it!" Han exclaims patting Poe on the back.

Han departs to formulate his plan with Chewie, leaving Jaina alone with Poe.

"We haven't been properly introduced... I'm Poe Dameron, Commander of the Rapier Squadron." He bows slightly.

"I'm Jai.." She begins to reply.

"Yes, I know who you are." He laughs. "You don't remember me do you?"

"Of course... We met last night." She lies. "Plus you spoke up for my plan at breakfast. How could I..."

He chuckles shaking his head. "We met when we were small children. My father was a soldier for the Alliance and my mother was a Rebel pilot. They were good friends of your parents. We used to play together when my parents would bring me to visit here."

Jaina blushes and tries to conjure any memories of him.

Poe continues, "We didn't see much of each other after my mother died. Then you and Ben were sent to Yavin 4. I lived there you know. My father used to tend the grounds of the Jedi temple."

"Oh I remember him! Kes right?" Jaina excitedly exclaims. "My younger brother Anakin loved hearing his stories of the Galatic War. We would sneak our lunches out to the Force tree where he would be."

Jaina feels the pinkness rising in her cheeks, "I remember you being with him a few times. I apologize for not recognizing you... you were a lot smaller and skinnier."

Poe smiles rubbing the back of his neck, "It was a long time ago. I left when I was a teenager to attend the New Republic Starfleet Academy. I would visit my father often and sit with him and Anakin."

Jaina nods, "As I got older it was harder to get away from training. I was Apprentice to Master Kyp so I was either training or on missions. I'm glad you got to know Ani."

"He was a great kid." Poe reaches out lightly putting his hand on Jaina's shoulder.

Tears swell in Jaina's eyes at the thought of Anakin. She quickly wipes them away and looks up at Poe. There's a softness to him through the arrogance and charm.

"Have you heard from your father?" She whispers afraid to hear the answer.

Poe drops his hand and looks down at the floor. "He and some of the other residents tried to help the Jedi during the attack on the temple. He didn't make it."

"Oh Poe, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Jaina sobs and throws her arms around him.

He wraps his arms around her and gently cradles her head against his chest. "Thank you." 

They stay embraced for a while. He holds her firmly and she enjoys the feeling of the light scratch of his stubble against the top of her head. His scent is intoxicating and she doesn't want to be the first to let go. Besides the attraction, Jaina feels a closeness to Poe that she hasn't felt with anyone other than her family. It's warm and comforting, things she desperately needs now.

Poe sighs heavily and slowly pulls away. "I'm sorry, it's getting late and I have to meet with your mother and the other Resistance officers." He brushes the loose strains of hair from her face. "May I see you later?"

A bashful smile spreads across Jaina's face, "I'd like that very much."  

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