Chapter 24

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"So you think this Church of the Force knows where Luke is?" Poe asks.

"Well I think they know where the First Jedi temple is...As long as Luke was able to find it then we'll find him there." Jaina answers.

Leia frowns, "Jaina, the members have been underground since the Galactic Empire, how do you plan on finding them?"

"You knew about the Church of the Force?" Jaina leans forward stunned.

"Of course. They helped during the Galactic Wars..." She replies matter-of-a-factly. "But they dispersed throughout the galaxy after the New Republic was established."

"I met the leader once..." Jaina announces.

"Lor San Tekka?" Now Leia leans forward intrigued, "Where? How?"

"He came to the temple on Yavin 4 to see Luke."

"Do you know where to find him?" Leia presses.

"Well... No but I mean you can't be the only person who knows him... how hard could it be?" Jaina shrugs.

"Really?" Poe rolls his eyes. "If it were that easy, wouldn't Luke be here now?"

Jaina glares at Poe, she may love him but his sarcasm isn't helping.

"Perhaps... " Leia walks between the two. "You may find more answers on Corusant. You could search for answers at the old Jedi temple."



Poe lands the shuttle close to the old Jedi temple.

"Are you ready for this?" He inquires putting his tan jacket on.

"Yes... are you?" Jaina shoots back holstering her blaster and lightsaber.

"Our sources say there are First Order spies all around... The last time you encountered them it didn't end well for you."

She gives him a dirty look, "Really?"

"Too soon to joke about it?" He chuckles.

Jaina rolls her eyes and starts to walk away but Poe catches her.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't joke, it's my defense mechanism..." He pulls her close. "Honestly, that day haunts me. I was so afraid I lost you for good and I never want that to happen."

Jaina softens reaching up to stroke his cheek, "It won't..." She kisses him and leads him out of the shuttle. "Come on, We have to be quick."

Cautiously, they run in the shadows to the temple ruins. The city-planet is a buzz with activity and lights but surrounding the temple there's an eerie darkness. Jaina recalls stories Kyp told her about the genocide Darth Vader led there. She gets chills thinking about how Ben has followed so closely to their grandfather.

Poe stops behind a building just in front of the temple. "Coast seems clear..."

Jaina nods, there's something troubling her about this temple. Closing her eyes she tries to focus on the force. She feels the familiar vibrations as it moves all around her. She senses Poe's life force high with anxiety.

He touches her shoulder lightly, "Let's go, I want to be in and out as fast as possible."

The two crawl through a broken window on the side of the temple. It's completely dark inside even their lamps don't light up much. Poe leads with his blaster out while Jaina follows hand clutched on her lightsaber. The silence and stillness is haunting.

"I got a bad feeling about this..." Jaina says under her breath following him.

"Too late to do anything now." He snickers.

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