Chapter 2

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Harry held his hand out helping me into the mini bus as I then sit myself down on the spare seat next to Niall.

Niall then placed his arm around my shoulders while rubbing the side of my arms with his hand.

"How long is the drive to get there meant to be?"

"2 hours" Louis perked up from the seat behind.

I let out a small huff of air, I couldn't stand long car rides.

"Don't worry love it'll go quick" Niall said placing his chinon top of my head.

Just out of the corner of my eye, I managed to catch Louis throwing Niall a cheeky smirk then
Niall mouthing the words "shhhh" while smiling.

Ignoring the gestures Louis and Niall had just exchanged, I turned my gaze to the fastly moving scenery moving outside the car window hoping I would fall asleep.

Niall squeezes his strong arms around my waist as I place my head against his chest, His grasp was so warm and comforting, I really whished he never had to to let go. 

My eyes soon grew sleepy and the warmth of Nialls grasp made me fall into a light sleep.


 "We're here!" The words startle me from my light sleep.

"Hey sleepy head" I open my eyes to find Niall above me leaning against the seat.

I look around noticing I was still in the same position I had been in when I first fell asleep.

 I lifted my body up from the position only to find that the position I had been resting in had pinched a small nerve in my neck and suddenly became very sore.

Liam got up from the drivers seat and opened the  sliding doors of the mini bus.Stepping out of the bus was like stepping into a whole new world, instead of the hard concrete beneath my feet, there where twigs and leaves that would crunch underneath with every step I took.

This was far from civilisation, not that I was complaining, I just had to get my mind around the fact I will be going for a few days without proper facilities such as bed's and kitchens. For now, we where using tents and cooking food over a fire.

The cool breeze brushed softly past my cheek sending shivers down my spine. City life was much different to being in the bush.

I walked over to where the boys where already setting up tents.

" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...tents" I counted to myself.

I suddenly then realised we where one tent short.

"Uhm Harry?" I called as he was setting up the fourth tent. I gestured to the lack of tents.

"Crap" He cussed. " We must of left the other one back in the lobby when packing the bus."

"Wait so do I just sleep out on the ground or-"

"You can sleep in my tent"

I turned around to find Niall smiling while still carrying bags out from the bus.

What? I couldn't sleep with Niall, he was my best friend. Sharing tents with him would be absolutely awkward and most likely embarrasing. Feelings that I had toward him just in the bus pushed their way into my head and butterflies then made their way into my stomach.

"Chill Kate, I'll make room for you" Niall says laughing probably noticing my both worried and paniced expression.

I had no choice but to accept Niall's offer, I mean it was either that or sleep outside in my sleeping bag I guess.

"Thanks Ni"

"Kate can you come with me to find some wood for the fire?" Liam asks politely.

"Sure" I replied leaving the other four boys.

Sticks scrapped the sides of my legs and my clothing would often get snagged on a tree or plant.

"Ow!" I whine looking down at the red marks  the sticks had left up ond down my legs.

"Silly billy you shouldn't have worn shorts!" Liam teases treating me like a child.

I stuck the finger up at him as he continued to laugh.

"So, you and Niall where hiting it up in the back of the bus on the drive here huh?" Liam smirks.

"What no?"

Wait...what did Liam just say?

"We're just friends" I protest knowing I was lying to myself. What did I really feel for Niall? He had been my closest friend since before kindergarten.

"Sureeee, thats not what I've heard"

"What do you mean?"

Where was Liam going with this?

"What, he hasn't told you?" Suprise takes over his expression.

My eyes grew wide, what the hell is Liam on about?

"What hasn't he told me?" I grew impatient.

"I'm not to sure if I'm suppose to say this but Niall has the hots for you Kate, and from what I've heard, he's fancied you for quite a while"

 Oh my god.

I stood in front of Liam in shock. My cheeks turned slightly pink. The fact that Liam could be bullshitting me makes my insides much calmer than what I expected.

Liam notices me blushing.

"Do you like him back?" Liam says sounding curious while collecting small pieces of wood and leaves for the fire.

"Uhm I don't know" I say in denial.

"Awww Kate and Niall sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i" Liam chanted before being hit in the arm.

"ow!" He shreiks sarcastically.

The rest of the walk I couldn't stop thinking about Niall while I was walking with Liam. Did he really like me? Or was Liam messing around?

Am I falling for Niall?

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