Chapter 14

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Hours pass before the warm sun was slowly starting to dissapear into the horizon. The water we where standing in had become warmer as the tempreture in the air had gotten colder. 

All of the boys had calmed down after our football match, and where all calmly pushing through the water with long slow strokes, as usual Louis' voice was still much louder than anyone else's and his laughs where filling the atmosphere around. It was peaceful for once.

I pushed swam over to sit on a rock under the water that held from my chest up out of the water. The cool breeze brushed pass my face leaving a cold patch on the side. My hands swirled around in the water in front of me, making small ripples around my body that tickled my sides. 

A warm grasp was placed around my waist and I turned my head slightly to find Niall resting his chin in the curv of my neck slightly pecking at the sensitive the skin. His breathe was warm against my skin causing small goosebumps to rise along the surface of my skin. 

" Niall? "

" Yeah Kate? " He says still placing small kisses along my neck and collarbone.

" What will happen after this? " I ask not sure where I was going with the conversation.

" What do you mean? " He asks pulling away from my neck with concearn now filling his expression.

" What will happen when we go back home, when you boys start your next tour, when your schedules become busy again, what will happen now that we are- "

" I'll always have time for you Kate, we'll make it work, I promise " He says almost as a whisper into my ear.

His words comfort me from my worries and calm my thoughts. 

" It's getting dark lads, I recon we should start heading off now " Liam says burshing the water from the waterfull through his hair with his hands.

An echo of sighs are heard as we all climb sluggishly out of the water and start heading back up the hill.

As we reach the mini bus, I go to grab my clothes only to find that my t-shirt and shorts are still dripping wet from when the boys had suprised ambushed me with water guns. 

" Here, borrow this " Niall says noticing the disgruntled look on my face and tosses me his t-shirt.

" Thank's " I say smiling. I pull the shirt over my head as the rim of the shirt falls just above my thighs. I can smell his cologne on the shirt, the smell becomes my haven and I wish that it would never leave.

" You look nice in my shirt " Niall says in almost a whisper causing my cheeks to turn a cherry red.

We climb back into the mini bus and head back to our camp site. The weekend we spent here had now seemed to have vanished past my eyes at how quickly had it gone. I liked it out here, it was calm, peaceful and I had grown on the bushy smell and fresh breeze rather than city cars screcching and busy suburbs. 

It was sad to start packing all the tents, cooking equipment and luggage away into the back of the mini bus. By the time we had done, the small area of land we had stayed on was now bare and looked identical to the way we saw it when first arriving.

Once we had climbec back into the mini bus again, it had grown pitch black outside. I looked at Liam who looked as if he was about to collapse, his eyes where droppy and I could tell he needed to rest.

" Let, me drive " I say nudging his shoulder.

" You sure? I can- "

" No your exauhsted, go have a rest " I say

" Thank's Kate " He smiles with relife on his face as he drops into the seat behind with his eyes immediatly crashing together.

My natural drivers instincs took over as I have only just a few months ago received my drivers liscence. I check the rear-view mirrors, buckle my seat belt and grasp the clutch and start the engine. 

We where just 10 minutes into the drive when Harry suggests I turn on the radio. I push the small button on the control panel and immediatly recognise the tune. I smirk into the rear-view miror looking at the boys as the starting notes of their new song 'Best Song Ever' starts.

I turn the diall down so that I won't wake Liam.

Hours pass of quiet stirs and conversations through the mini bus as we reach the city. I drop Zayn, Liam, Louis and Harry all of at their apartments, it was convinient knowing the boys only lived a couple blocks away from the flat Niall and I shared.

" Where should I park the bus? " I ask to Niall sitting in the seat behind me.

" Just in the parking lot out back, Paul should be around tomorrow to drop it back at the rentals place " He says.

We walk up to our apartmeant through the lobby, dragging our luggage behind us.

The lift ride up was quiet, and I could tell Niall was quickly growing sleepy as hee struggled to keep his eyes open.

I open the door to our aparment and collapse onto the couch. Niall sits across from me. We stare at our apartment still in the exact state we had left it in.

" I'm gonna go to bed, I can barely keep me eyes open " He says standing up from the couch.

My thoughts turn confused. Should I follow him into his room? Where we at that stage yet? We shared a tent so we must be. I sit on the couch for a few minutes before heading to my own room. Baby steps, I repeat to myself.

The covers are still perfectly made and the inside of my bed is cold but relaxing. I place my suitcases next to my wardrobe realising I was still in Niall's shirt. I wondered if I should return it or let him have his sleep and return it to him in the morning. I choose the second option and climb into bed still wearing the t-shirt.

It's not long before I feel my eyes close shut and drift off to sleep.


I wake up to what feels like minutes later of restless turning and fidgeting. I turn to my digital clock on my bedside table '2:45am' the clock reads. I've slept for 2 hours? I huff out a sigh still half asleep.

Unaware of my next actions, I find myself climbing to my feet heading towards Niall's room.

" Ni? " I ask softly

" Mhm " I hear him stir as I breifly see through the darkness him lifting himself onto his elbows.

" Kate, you ok? " He asks rubbing his eyes.

" Yeah, sorry to wake you, I can't sleep, can I come in? " I ask nervously still un-sure of what I was doing.

" Course " He says pulling back the corrner oh his doona moving to the side to provide room for me.

I walk over to the side of his bed and climb in positioning myself on the edge facing him. He looked adorable with his hair un-evenly parted to each side.

" Come here " He says pulling my waist in towards him as he scoots closer making the space between us smaller and smaller. 

" You look good in my shirt " He says twirling a strand of my hair around his fingers.

I smile up at him placing a hand onto his bare chest. My head fits in under his chin as his fingers dance along the skin of my arm. I love the way his fingers find all sensitive spots along my skin sending shivers up my spine.

His hand cups my cheek leaning in placing a kiss onto my lips. His lips are warm and move along mine slowly. His thumb patterns circles onto my cheek as my head falls from the kiss and moves to lays against his chest. My eyes grow sleepy as the rising and falling from his chest sends me to sleep.

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