Chapter 7

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Nialls cheeks immediatly flushed a bright red and he's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about I love all of you" He plastered on a un-convincing smile.

"No as in who do you have feelings for?" 

I was practically trying to start a conversation with Harry with my eyes trying to give him the signal to shut up.

"I don't have feelings for anyone." Niall replys

My heart sunk, I knew Liam was fooling me. I didn't think Niall loved me but I had the tinyest thought that he may have liked me more than a friend. I knew it was too good to be true. We we're best friends, nothing else, well in his eyes we where nothing more than best friends.

I looked up still hurting with the ache in my heart Harry's truth had just caused. Liam had a slightly shocked look on his face. Niall's jaw was tensed and was giving Harry a fierce look on his face. 

"Come on Ni, you do to" Louis winks.

"Niall just say it" Zayn teases.

Nialls expression suddenly turned from anger, to panic. His chest was rising and falling 10 times faster then what it did normally and his breathe had turned into short hiccups of escaping air. 

By now all the boys except Liam where teasing Niall. They where nudging and poking him from the sides telling him to own up and tell the truth.

Liam was now yelling at the boys to cut it out but the shouts from all of them drained his voice out. This is ridiculous, why are the boys doing this to him? I looked at Niall, he had drops of water forming in the corners of his eyes. Before I could say anything Niall stood up from the log we where sitting on.


Nialls outburst had made all of the boys silent. Tears where already forming in the corners of my own eyes. Before anyone could say anything Niall turned and stormed out of the campsite. I was still frozen starring into the direction Niall had sprinnted off in. Did he really just scream to all the boys that he had feelings for me? Does he know that I also have feelings for him? All these thoughts ran through my mind.

"You should talk to him" Liam had his elbows on his knees with his head in his hands.

"I'll talk to hi-" Harry was standing to run after Niall before Liam stopped him pulling him back down onto the log.

"No let Kate go, he needs to know how you feel"

Harry looks at Liam confused for a second.

I smile at Liam mouthing the words 'Thank You' before walking off to find Niall.

It took me a few minutes to realise I had no idea where I was going. The woods where pitch black. The only things visible where the faint outlines of the towering trees.

"Niall?" I called placing my hand on a nearby tree reasuring myself that I wasn't going to walk into anything.

I was terrfied. I regreted not bringing a torch. My heart rate was increasing by the second. Owl hoots and russling leaves with wind blowing through the trees startled my concentration. Niall might already be back at the camp site. What if he's lost? The thoughts scattered through my mind before being interuppted by quiet sobbing. A figure came into vision before realising I had found Niall.


"Kate!" He turned to face me. " I'm so-sory," He apolgised.

I bring the cuff of my sleeve to meet his flushed face whiping away the tears that had soaked his face. Even through the darkness I could see his bloodshot eyes and patchy red cheeks. "Hey hey, don't apologise" I smile.

"But I didn't  mean for this to happen, not in that way at least" He sobbs

There was a short scielence as I continued whipping his face before I decided to speak.

"Is it true?"

A small smile covered his face before he removed my hand that was whipping the wetness of his dampaned face down.

"Yea it is" He looked down. "I'm sorry, I know you don't feel the same wa-" 

"That's not true"

Niall lifted his head with a puzzled look on his face. 

"Niall, I feel the same way about you." 

He looked at me in shock for a few seconds.

His face immediatly brightened. He inched closer towards me before pulling me in for a hug. His arms snaked around my waste pulling me closer into him. He dipped his head into my neck and squeezed his arms around my back. I could feel his heart beat slowing down against my chest. The breeze brushed passed my legs making me shiver and realising how cold it was it.

"Are you cold?"

"A bit" I reply rubbing the sides of my arms.

"Here" In a quick motian Niall swiftly removed his hoodie placing it over my shoulders.

"But you'll be cold now?" I say concerned.

"I'm fine Kate" he let out a small laugh.

"Do you want to go back to the camp site?" I look up at him.

"Yea we should, they'll get worried if we stay out here any longer" He smiles rolling his eyes. Seeing him happy made me happy.

We walked back in scilence, not an awkward scilence but a releaved scilence. Releaved that we had finally told our feelings to each other. We spotted the clearing ahead and noticed Harry pacing up and down in front of the fire with his hand ruffling through his curls.

Liam noticed Niall's jacket over my shoulders and gestured me to come to him. I handed Niall his jacket and thanked him for letting me use it.

As I walked away from Niall, Harry walked over to him and I breifly overheard an apology come from his mouth. 

"So, how'd it go?" Liam asks

"It went fine, everythings ok now" I smile.

Everything was more than ok, it was perfect. What did this mean though? Are we officialy a couple now? He hasn't actually asked me to be his girlfriend. What if this doesn't work? My subconciousness adds. I pushed her to the back of my mind trying to focus on what was going to happen next. It then hit me, I was sharing a tent with Niall tonight. Butterflies grew in my stomach.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I'll try to update more often. Q: Who do you guys imagine to be Kate? 

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