Chapter 27

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I flipped through the panflet for the tenth time on the way. It all looked very proffesional and well sorted out. The panflet also came with tips on how to ride the Jet Skiis.

1. Sit with your back straight but shoulders moved forward slightly for better control

2. Keep your grip firm on the clutch at all times

3. If you have any troubles, don't hesitate to ask your instructor, they are their to help you.

Louis, Niall and I hoped onto the white boat leading us out further away from shore.

As land soon became a thin line of horizon, my stomach started doing flips realising how far out we had actually gone. 

The water was very, very deep where we had stopped, and the thought of jumping in, actually scared me a little bit.

The jet skii instructor looked around the age of 20-25. He had a very fit body tone and I hadn't realised I was actually eyeing him until Niall handed me a white life jacket.


As we all waited for the instructor to unload all the jet skiis, I did the silly decision of peering over the edge of the boat.

Clouds above where casting shawdows into the water, making it look as if there where things in the water.

Kate stop spooking yourself out, it's just making it worse! My subconciousness says, and listening to it, I move away from the edge.

"You ready love?" Niall says helping me onto the platform where we would sit on the jet skiis.

The instructor gave us a breif guideline on how to use them back on shore, and knowing my worrying mind, all of the worst scenarios that could happen where popping into my head.


My head started to feel light as the cage door to the platform opened and the man lead us on as we where all given one jet skii each.

I was hopping on the seat cautiously as the instructor must of noticed my nervous condition. His hand reached out, clinging onto my arm helping me balance myself as I lifted one leg over onto the other side.

"Thanks" I say a little too awkward as he flashes me a smile.

 The jet skii was very large and I felt as if I hit something or stepped on something wrong the whole thing would charge forward and I wouldn't be able to stop.

I looked around, Niall and Louis where already sitting comfortably on their jet skii's and where playing around with the pedles and controls, while I sat slumpped completely lost not knowing what to do.

Soon the boys where skimming across the water smoothly, the wind whipping through their hair and sun reflecting of their shades.

 I let out a sigh wondering if I should just jump of the jet skii and wait on the boat until the boys are done.

"Ahem?" I hear startling me a little. I look up to be fronted with the instructor pulling up beside me on his jet skii.

"Do you need some help?" He asks with a re-assuring smile spread across his face. He had an amazingly bright smile that complemented his white teeth perfectly.

"Uhh" I really had no idea what I was doing. I couldn't even remember how to turn the damn thing on let along get this piece of metal to move.

He shook his head and pulled his jet skii up next to mine and tied it into the railing leading off the platform. Unexpectadly, he hopped on the back of my jet skii placing his legs on either side of me. As good looking as he was, he was a bit to close to my comfort zone.

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