Chapter 26

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An unusual weight is placed around my body as my eyes crack open taking in the morning sun breezing through the thin curtains of the apartment.

I look over to find a sleepy, shirtless Niall laying next to me with one arm drapped over my chest. His soft, blonde, messy quiff tickles my chin as I nudge his head off from on top of my chest. Sleepy, morning Niall was possibly the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.

He looks so peaceful, the sight of our inter-twined legs through the thin bed sheet causes a smile to tug at my lips. My thumb runs along his jaw line slowly rubbing patterns along his smooth skin.

His breathing is slow and heavy, my hand runs over his cheek as I feel his breathing shorten.

His eyes open revealing the gorgeous colour of blue starring up at me.

"Morning beautiful" He stirs through his deep, cracking morning voice.

"How are you feeling?" He asks closing his eyes again and moving his draped arm from his previous position to around my waist wriggling it around until he feels comfortable.

"Goo-" Oh.

Memories from last nights events begin to replay in my head. I shake away the thoughts hoping that they would just vanish, remove themselves from existance, but nope, in my head they stay.

"What's wrong?" Niall says after a few seconds of scilence.

"Nothing" I reply not really wanting to bring up lasts nights frantic topics.

He brings his hand to my face and lips to my forehead lightly pressing them against each other.


"Breakfast sounds good" I say liifting myself up onto my elbows.

"I'll be right back" He says removing the bed covers.

Oh god.

As he stands up from the edge of the bed, I am taken back at the sight of him in nothing but boxers. I take in the sight of seeing him almost butt naked as I then notice his boxers are riding very, very, extremly low, revealing what I think is the outline of a very tonned V-line. I thank the lord Niall doesn't look back for he would've caught me with my eyes almost bursting out of their sockets.

I wait till he leaves the room before sinking back into my pillow with a large smirk now plastered along my face.

I almost loose it at the next apperance.

An also semi-naked Louis makes his way into the room and over to the wardrobe.

I can almost feel my mouth droping all the way down to the floor.

I had seen all the boys shirtless before, but never messy bed haired, ride lowing track suit panted shirtless before.                             

"Morning Kate" He says walking past and opening the wardrobe door.

Kate stop starring you knob! My subconciousness scolds.

"W-what are you looking for?" I accidentatlly stutter. Brilliant.

He glances at me with an eye brow raised before continuing his search through the wardrobe.

"Most of my clothes are dirty, just looking for something of Niall's to wear" He says rumaging through the pile of clothes placed in the draw.

He then pulls out a plain white fitted t-shirt from the pile sliding it over his head then fixing it so it sits comfortably on his waist.

"Breakfast!" We both here from the kitchen

Louis looks in the direction of the voice before ruffling his hand through his messy bed hair then placing his hand on the back of his neck starring down at the ground.

The air surrounding turns slightly awkward.

"Kate, you ok?" He says looking up from the floor,

A puzzled look crosses my face.

"You know, after last night and all that?" He says slightly sounding cautious with his choice words.

"You saw what happened?"

"No, Niall told us after he had put you to bed" He says placing his hands in the pockets of his track suitpants.

My eyes drift of to the walls, for some reason I hadn't remembered much of the night, it all came to mind as a blur, almost as if it didn't happen, and I really wanted it to stay that way, a blur.

"Oh" I reply after a short couple of seconds.

Neither of us really knew what to say to each other.

Louis gave me a lop sided reasurring smile before turning his body in the direction of the hallway.

"Breakfast?" He says pointing with a very cute smile.

I nod pulling back the bed covers, slipping on a jumper and trailing behind Louis down into the kitchen where Niall stood serving breakfast onto different plates.

He looks up for a second before continuing to cautiously slip the fried egg of the spatula onto the plate.

"Where are the other boys?" I ask taking a seat at the table and biting a piece of toast placd on the small plate in front of me.

"Sleeping" Niall and Louis both say,

"Sleeping? It's almost 11:30am" I say knowing the boys are all usually bright eyed and bushy tailed by 8am.

"We don't have rehersals or anything on until soundcheck this afternoon, so they're all taking advantage of their free time" Niall says sitting opposite me with Louis leaning against the edge of the table.

"So why aren't you two having a sleep in?"

"I've never been the type of person who sleeps until the afternoon" Louis says taking a sip from his cup of tea he had poured.

I look over to Niall who suddenly has a large smirk growing on his face.

"I was going to sleep in, but I actually planned something for the day with Louis for the three of us" He says stabdubg from his seat walking over to the counter.

In front of me he places a panflet.

"London lake jet skiing" The title labeled on the front reads.

It took me a minute before Niall's statement sunk in.

Jet skiing, Louis, Niall and I where going jetskiing!

"Jetskiing?" I finally say opening the pamflet.

"Yeah, I knew the other boys would want to have a sleep in, so I booked a session with Louis for just the three of us" He says smiling.

My stomach jumped, the thought of going jet skiing really excited me.

I'd never been jet skiing before, what do you wear to go jet skiing?

"What do I wear?" I say speaking my thoughts

"Bathers, or something you don't mind getting wet" Louis says placing his now empty cup in the sink.

I smiled, this was so exciting.

I'm so so so so so so sorry it's taken so long to update! If you follow me on IG you'll know I've had a very busy week with the boys concert, seing Louis, Eleanor and Niall and school. I will be upadting much more often now. Thank you for being so patient! Excuse any typos

QOTD: What girl are you? I'm a nouis girl :) x

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