Chapter 25

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We where moving so fast that surroundings just passed as a blur. Words where lost from my mouth as we approched the exit from the club, his grip was tightening leaving a red mark scared on my wrist.

He forcefully kicked back the door leading into an ally way. This wasn't good.

I was dead scared by this point, put in full panic mode.

No one was around at the time, the only sound that I could hear was the constant loud music coming from inside the club.

"Who the hell are you and what the fuck do you thin you-" I was cut off, taken by shock as he pinned me against the wall enclosing the ally way. 

Fear had now over taken my entire body, I attempted pushing the creep back but the his strength was obviously much higher than mine, probably even double since he was drunk. 

His head dipped down to my neck, I could smell the strong, familliar scent of booze on his breathe. His discustingly warm breathe scent a shiver of panic up my spine.

"Don't worry, it will only hurt at first"

Oh god.

I could feel my eyes already starting to tear up as I felt his hand making its way up the inside of my thigh. Immediatly, with my hand shaking I slapped it off. His facial expression had now turned annoyed.

The force he was holding me with against the wall had now increased by a thousand.

"Don't play hard to get" He says with his teeth gritted.

I closed my eyes. I knew I couldn't stop this man from what he was about to do, and I didn't want to see any bit of it, but the fact that this man was about to rape me wasn't my most feared thought going on in the back of my mind. The thought I was now trembling of was what this man might do after he was done with me. Tears where now full formed and streaming down my face as the realisation came that this could or would try to kill me after.

I dared to look down, he had managed to rip a small part of my dress open and was succesfully trying to get the rest off.

The exit door swung open and made a loud bang against the wall.



Niall's P.O.V

"Stay here I'll be right back" I say to Kate before introducing Harry to a couple of friends who where in town that I had invited to the club.

"Harry, this is Matthew, he's been my bud since high school" I say

"Nice to meet you" Harry says polietly shaking Matthews hand.

"Same to you mate, happy birthday" He says in return.

The air surounding grows awkward, and I cringe at the scilence.

"So Matt, what have you been doing lately?"

"Oh, well I've managed to jump on the latest deal for work and that's looking to a promotion."

"That's great!"

"You could almost say you've caught the 'promotion train'" Harry says lifting his eyebrows up and down.

Oh god Harry no.

My head rests in my palms at his awful joke.

Matt continues the conversation.

"I've also proposed to Alison"

My eyebrows mimic what Harry had done just seconds ago. Matt and Alison had been dating for over 2 years now and I really was hoping he was going to pop the question to her soon, and now he had!"

"Matt that's incrediable, congratulations!"

"Thanks, speaking off the lovely lady, where's yours? I heard from a sneaky source that you and Kate have hopped out of the friend zone.

I role my eyes.

"She's just over ther-"

My eyes decieve me as I scan the position where I had left Kate just moments ago, was now empty.

Where'd she go? I say to myself.

"I'll be right back lads"

Matt and Harry both give me a confused look before continuing with a conversation of their own.

"Kate?" I raise my voice hoping she is close to where I had left her. No response.

As I got closer to the bar, the music got louder and drained out my yells for Kate.

"Excuse me, did you notice a girl sitting her just a few moments ago, dark hair, dress abou-"

"Yeah I saw her, she went out the back way with a man just a few seconds ago" The lady behind the counter tells me.

What the fuck? Why would she go outside with a strange-..........shit. Oh god please don't be what I think has happened.

My limbs are turned weak as I refuse to think the worst has happened to her. I sprint to the back door slamming it open.


Oh my god. I'm frozen for a few seconds. In front of me, is some fucking creep holding my Kate against a fucking wall with his fucking hands on her fucking body.

Anger imdeiattly ignites inside of me.

"Get the fuck off her" I say inching closer to him.

How dare this...this...this disgusting piece of shit lay a hand on Kate.

"Ha, what are you going to do about it if I don't" I realise now geting closer to him that he is a much larger man then me.

He pokes me just above my collar bones and I can already feel my teeth grinding against one and other.

I look over to Kate, part of her dress is torn, her expression is completely in terror and her whole body is shaking.

That fucking does it.

I grab the man by his back smashing my knee into his gut shamelessly.

He graps his stomach before completely falling to the ground with moans of pain escapping his breathe.

I rush over to Kate immediatly taking her hand in mine.

I don't say a thing to her, I just rest my hands on her face pulling her into my chest, holding her.

I don't even want to know what this man has done to Kate.

A/N: Thank you for reading, Question: Where are my readers from? Comment below what country your from x Also please vote because your all amazing ilysm 

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