Chapter 32

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Finally able to post the next chapter, so sorry it took so long but here it is! The book's almost over :( I will be starting my other book 'Dirty Dares' once this one is finished! Please vote and comment as the amazing readers you are!

An ear piercing crash of thunder startles my once peaceful sleep. I sit up staring at the window for a few seconds when another flash of lightning breaks through the thin curtains followed by another sharp clap of thunder. I jumped back against the headboard in fright hitting my back against it. I let out a constrained shriek in pain hoping I didn’t wake Niall.

My heart raced as each lightning strike got closer to the rumble of thunder before the storm was just above the hotel. 

“Baby? what’s wrong?” I hear Niall mumble turning so he was facing up in my direction.

He too jumps when the thunder and lightning clashed through the window at perfect timing. I stare out at the window with wide eyes hoping the defining storm would be over soon. 

The bed shifts as I felt Niall’s lips connect with the skin next to the bra strap of my bare shoulder.

“It’s ok, I’m here babe” he says pulling me down next to him and into his chest.

I feel my heart pace slow as his leg shifts in between mine. 

“It’s just a storm” he whispers creasing the side of my hip with his hand.

“I hate storms” I whisper as my eyes begin to shut.

His nose presses up beside mine as he pushes his lips against mine.

“I never knew that about you” he says pulling my body closer against his.

I let out a deep breathe as the feeling of his chest rising and his breathing calmed me down.

“It’s outside, it can’t hurt us” he says as his eyes close with his face in front of mine.

“No shit” I laugh and even though my eyes are closed I can picture the blushing boy in front of me.

“Why are you so scared then?”

“I don’t like the noise, loud and sudden”

“Kind of like you” he says as I playfully kick his shin. His and my laughter fill the bedroom as well as the crackling of thunder in the distance.

“I’m here for you” Niall says in almost a whisper.

I smile and kiss his lips before nuzzling my self against him as his arm wraps around my waist. The thunder softens as each minutes passes it moves further away and the tow of us fall to sleep.


“Niall we-” I am jolted awake to the sound of the door swinging back against the hard wall.

I rub my eyes and sleepily pull myself up to see who has just rudely barged in through the door. It’s Louis.

“Louis what the hell?” I say pushing pieces of hair out of my face as he continues to stand there unable to speak.

“Louis?” I ask again as his eyes wonder downwards. 

“Shit” I mumble before pulling the covers up over my half naked body. Oh god at least I’d made the smart decision of putting back on my undergarments before going to sleep last night.

Louis turns around slowly walking back out the door, soon his slow movements and turned into fast running.

“He did it! The lucky idiot finally did it! Pay up!” I hear Louis shout followed by a series of ‘what’s?’ to which I assume was all the other boys gathered in the kitchen.

Niall wakes from the loud shouting and moves out of bed to follows the voices with a conceded look on his face. 

“What’s all the shouting?” I hear Niall say as I move from under the blankets wrapping one of the hotels robes around me before listening to the conversation coming from the end of the hall.

“We bet to see how long it would take you to finally get in with Kate” I hear assuming it’s Harry’s voice based on the depth and calm tone of it.

“You made a bet?” Niall says sounding pissed off.

“Calm down, don’t get so worked up, it was just a little bit of fun to see if you really where as much of a wuss as Louis thought you where” Zayn says as I hear Louis scoff.

I try to contain my laugh as Niall defends himself. Suddenly I hear footsteps making their way up the hallway.

I run from my spot by the door and and pull the covers up jumping in the end and crawling back up to the headboard and pretend to be on the verge of waking up.

“Bloody Louis” I hear Niall curse under his breathe.

“Whats happening?” I try to sound convincing to just waking up.

“The boys are just being idiots-, uh, when did you put on a robe?”

I mentally face palm myself.

“I got cold?” 


‘C’mon Kate that was pathetic’ my subconscious mocks.

I jump out of bed still cringing over my stupid excuse and walk down the hall to the kitchen area.

“So Kate, tell us, is Niall any good in bed?”

Louis immediately says taking a sip from his cup with a smug look feeling proud of himself as the boys all listen.

“You’d like to know, wouldn’t you?” 

Louis coughs on his drink as the other boys nudge him of his loss of words at my winner comeback. Sucker.

“What’s going on?” Niall walks in.

I look to Louis. 

“Care to explain?” I ask glaring at Louis.

“Nope, we’re good” He says wiping some of the liquid that hat spilt over the edge of his cup.

Niall’s face softens from confusion but brushes it of. 

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