Chapter 31

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This chaper is not reccomended for anyone under 13 (sexual references) so if you're not really into that kind of stuff please don't read the following. Big shoutout to @ziallsquiff_ for helping me write this chapter, I'm not very illiterate when it comes to these type of scenes.

Songs that make this chapter much more effective are

Karty Perry - E.T

SoMo - Ride

Please vote and comment and enjoy x

Niall’s words send shivers up my spine all the way to my head. Usually I hated the smell of alcohol, but the way his breathe left goose bumps on the side of my neck only made me want him more. 

He places a deep and hard kiss to my neck before leading me out of the now crowded dance floor placing a couple notes onto the bar table we where seated at.

We continue walking out into Niall’s car parked on the other side of the road. My heart races during the car ride back as the silent tension builds and builds right up until we arrive back at the hotel.

He fiddles with his keys before opening the door to the apartment allowing me to enter first. I walk to place my bag on the counter just as I am spun around with Niall’s lips immediately attacking mine.

His hands pin me against the kitchen counter by my waist as his left hand moves itself to the back of my neck deepening the kiss even more.

His free hand roams around my back side before tightly grabbing my ass firmly. Small moans escape from my mouth as his hips grind against mine roughly but slowly as I feel his erection growing harder by the second against my leg. His large hands places firmly on my hip holding me against the kitchen counter. 

“Niall” I moan allowing him the chance for his tongue to enter.

I thank the lord his tongue doesn’t go washing machine mode but gently moves around my mouth lightly with caution. 

The side of Niall I was now experiencing was completely filled with lust and want, the baby blue eyed blonde haired little boy I had known since kindergarten was now grinding against me and kissing me as if there was no tomorrow, but was I complaining? Nope. 

I could feel how aroused Niall was as his legs where between mine. He’s become so hard in such short time.

“Jump” He growls into my neck. I follow his instructions and jump, just as I did he catches me by my waist with his hands just below my bum and carries me away from the kitchen, his lips never breaking contact with my skin.

He carries me into the bedroom lightly placing me down onto the bed. His lips release from my skin and he stands in front of me. He leans back down and presses his lips against mine with his hand bringing me up by the back of my neck so that I was now sitting up straight in front of him on the bed with him still standing towering over me. 

“Are you on, you know..birth contro-”

“Yes” I say as his cheeks turning slightly rosey but his lips form back into a smirk.

He continues pressing his lips all over my neck, inhaling deep breathes every few moments. I bring my hand up to the zipper of his black skinny jeans. I fiddle with the zipper for a few seconds before eventually bringing it along with his jeans down to his ankles. He steps out of them kicking them to the side.

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