Chapter 9

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I woke to the cool morning breeze brushing past my face. I streched my arms into the air before ruffling my fingers through my long hair. I turned to the empty space next to me.

"Niall?" I called.

Where could he be? I grabbed my camping shoes and pulled my white vest over my pajama top and stepped out of the tent. A light fog had landed over the campsite over night, and it was difficult to see more than five metres ahead.

I soon spot Niall over at the camp fire cooking breakfast in a pan. Seeing him wearing grey track suit pants and a thin white t-shirt that clung to his chest made my stomach turn to mush. How was he not cold? I thought.

Niall spotted me walking towards him and pulled me into his arms from the side.

" Morning beautiful, how did you sleep? " He said into the curve of my neck, his morning voice was deep and raspy and sent tingles up the back of my spine.

" Great, what about you? " I felt myself blush at his warm breathe againast my neck.

" I slept Amazing " He smiled.

" So I was thinking, I haven't actually asked you propally yet, but will you be my girl Kate? "

My cheeks flushed and I turned to face him.

" Of course I will " I said looking up into his light blue eyes.

A full smile gleemed on his face as he then pulled my chin forward for our lips to meet. 

" Get a room you to! " Harry called stmubling out from his tent which caused him to get a playful punch in the arm from Niall. 

Zayn and Liam soon then joined us around the campfire.

" Wheres Louis? " I ask

" Is he still asleep? " Liam says as we all walk over to his tent.

Harry pulls back the thin tent curtains to find Louis still asleep curled up in his tent.

" Should we wake him? " I ask

A grin creeps onto Nialls face before he steps into Louis' tent. He places a finger in front of his lips telling us to be quiet. Moments pass before Niall jumps ontop of Louis making him immediatly wake and let out a squeal in pain.

" Fucking hell Niall what was that for? " Louis says clenching his stomach

" Pay backs a bitch huh " Niall smirks before then helping Louis to his feet.

We all emerge from Louis' tent and walk back to the campfire.

Over breakfast, we discuss what we are going to do today.

" Well, we where going to go fishing in the lake " Harry says finishing his bowl of oatmeal Niall had cooked over the fire.

Fishing? Is he serious? I can imagine it now, hours of doing nothing while stranded in a small boat in a freezing cold lake practially being live bait for frostbite. 

" Really? " I ask concered trying not to sound rude, after all they did invite me on the camping trip in the first place.

Harry must of noticed the dis-please look on my face.

" Yea, but if you don't want to come thats fine, you can always stay here "

Fishing suddenly sounds like a good idea compared to sitting around the campsite all day with nothing to do.

" C'mon Kate, live a little! " Liam says already un-packing fishing rods from the car. Liam's statement wasn't convincing and I wasn't sure you would call fishing as 'living'.

" We don't have a boat though? " I suddenly realise.

Zayn then walks over to the car and pulls out a large package. He turns it around to face us and I read the words " Inflatable Fishing Boat ".

He can't be serious. An inflatable fishing boat? 

" What if we don't all fit? " I ask almost pleeding the boys not to go fishing.

" We will, trust me " Zayn says.

" What If- " I start to say when Louis cuts me of.

" Stop over thinking it Kate! Have some fun! "

I scald myself for over thinking things, which was a bad habbit of mine.

I let out a small sigh before heading over to the boys to help carry fishing gear out from the car. After getting everything out of the car, I headed to my tent and pulled out some full length fitting black leggings, a white knit jumper and a water proof jacket on top just incase it decides to rain. I changed out of my pink UGG boots into plain black vans.

Once I finished dressing we all walked down to the lake. Liam and Zayn both unpacked the inflateable finishing boat from the packet and used a pump to blow it up.

While they where all helping set up, I decided to walk over to the waters edge. I slid off my vans and dipped the top of my toes into the water.

I let out a small squal as the freezing water tickled beneath my toes. 

" Kate! You coming? " Niall called helping push the now blown up boat to the waters edge.

I slide my shoe back on and ran over to the boys. Niall and Harry both helped me into the boat as Louis, Liam and Zayn followed. Niall and Harry pushed the boat untill there was no more dry land for them to stand on and then jumped into the boat. Please let this fishing trip go fast.

Liam pulls out two paddles and hands one to Zayn and Harry. I have to admit, using the paddles to move ourselves into the middle of the lake looked pretty fun.

" Can I have a go? " I asked biting down on my lip not knowing what I was doing. 

" You sure? " Zayn asked hading me his paddle.

I nodded and started pushing the paddle through the water.

" Uhm Kate, I think you're doing it wrong "

" We're going in circles! "

" Kate just paddle forwards "

I look up at all the boys who where in fits of laughter, I have no idea what I'm doing and am about to give up.

Niall then recovered himself from laughing and moved closer to me. He supported my arms, slowly turning them with every stroke the paddle pushed through the water. The boat was now silent and I could feel my cheeks burning up.

" Ok we're here, you can stop paddling now " Liam called placing small pieces of bait onto the ends of fishing lines.

I layed back against Niall wondering how many hours it would be until someone actually caught something.

Only 15 minutes had passed, Niall was twirling pieces of my hair around his finger and I could tell Louis was getting restless. He was squirming in his seat and constantly made loud obnoxious noises as if sitting in this boat doing nothing was torute.

" So when are you two going public? " Zayn asks breaking the scilence

I hadn't even thought about that yet. Going camping had made me forget about the world back in the home. 

" Uhm, I don't know, whenever she's ready " Niall says looking down at me with a slightly worried look on his face. I could tell he wasn't comfortable with telling media and fans about us. I gave him a reasurring look wich returned the beautiful smile he owned.

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