Chapter 5

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I loved Louis' sassiness, he was such a diva when it came to prooving a point.

I walked over to the tent Niall and I shared to change out of my muddy  clothes. Niall's stuff was already spread out over the ground  making it almost impossible for me to find my own bag.

I let out a sigh of annoyance while shoving his belongings aside. After what felt like ages, I finally found my suitcase in the corner of the  tent.

I unzipped the top half of my suitcase and pulled out a fitting white long sleeve shirt, my white vest and apair of loose grey track pants.

I pull of the muddy clothes and stuffed them into the side pocket on my suitcase leaving me in nothing but my under garments and a towel I had used to brush of the excess mud.  

Suddenly the tent doors pulled back and in the door frame stood Niall. I jumped at the sight of him grabbing anything in sight to cover my  half exposed body.

His suprised look soon turned into a smirk.

"Take a picture it will last longer!" I tease.

"That's not such a bad idea" Niall winked.

I could feel my cheeks flushing red.

"Out!" I said shooing him out through the tent doors.

"Okay okay! I'm going!" He says laughing with his hands up as if he had lost an argument.

By the time I had finished dressing it was already dark outside. Liam had started the fire and was already cooking something in a pot placed above it.

"Watcha cookin?" I say walking over to Liam.

"2 minute noodles" He replys while stirring the pot with a wooden spoon.

"Fancy" I say as he let out a small laugh.

I look around the camp site, Harry and Zayn where both playing a card game they had bought from home, Louis was in his tent patting down everything to make sure no other animals had snuck into his tent. 

I finally spot Niall sitting on the log with his guitar.

"Hey horan" I nudged his arm sitting down next to him.

He jumped slightly to my presance. I must of startled him because it took him a few seconds to realise I was sitting next to him.

"Hey" He says placing his guitar down next to him.

"You brought your guitar?"

"Yeah, I never leave home without it" He says.

It was silent for a few moments.

My thoughts darted back to when Niall had saved me from almost being bitten by a snake, and how our faces where so close to each others.

"Kate?" Niall looks at me with an eye brow raised.

"What?" I suddenly snap out of my thoughts.

"You where starring at me" He laughs.


I could feel my cheeks once again burning up.

"Sorry, I was just thinking" I say looking down at my hands that where rested in my lap.

"What where you thinking about?" He says softly.

"Dinners ready!" Liam called already serving even amounts of noodles into plastic bowls.

Niall jumps up and I breathe out in releif that I didn't have to answer his nerve wracking question.

Liam hands us all a bowl and goes to sit down back to our place on the log. 

Only a few minutes had passed and all the boys had finished their dinner while I was still only on my third spoonfull.

"How the heck do you all eat so fast?" I say in suprise at their empty bowls.

"We're use to it, we don't get much time to eat before shows while on tour" Zayn replys.

I finally finish my bowl and place it in the 'dirty dish' box the boys had brought along.

"What should we do now?" Niall asks the group.

Harry and Liam both shrugged.

"How about truth or dare?" Louis stands up in exictement to his own answer.

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