Chapter 15

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A/N: vote + comment please I'd really love to hear your thoughts on how the story is going so far 

The smell of burnt food followed by a loud curse woke me from my sleep. I position myself onto my elbows rubbing my eyes.

" Niall? " I ask noticing he wasn't in the bed. I pull back the bedcovers and follow the scent of food down into the kitchen where I find a shirtless Niall standing with his eyebrows furowed at the burnt pancake sitting on a plate.

" Morning " I say leaning aginst the door frame.

" Morning sleepy head " He says starring into a cooking book

" Watcha doing? "

" Making pancakes, I think " 

I laugh amused at how lost he looks searching through the pages.

" Pass the flour " I say deciding to help him.

Niall tosses the bag of flour stupidly not realising that it was open.

" What the actual fuck? " I say now covered in white clumps of white flour. It takes seconds for Niall to look up from the book then burst into a fit of laughter.

" You're meant to catch it silly! " He says barely being able to cough out the words from his laughing.

I grab the two eggs from the kitchen counter and splat them into his neat blonde quiff turning his hair flat and sticky.

He lifts his hands to his hair trying to grab as much of the yolk out of his hair as possible and then flickng it into the sink nearby.

" You know what this means? " He says with a smirk

Oh no.

I'm just about to sprint to the staircase when he tackles me onto the floor continuesly tickling me. 

" Niall stooop! " I scream between bursts of laughter.

" Not until you say I'm the sexiest, most handsom, funniest guy ever! "

" Never! "

" Fine then! " Niall says tickling all around my neck, stomach and feet bringing me to the verge of tears.

" Ok! Ok! You're the sexiest, most handsom, funniest guy ever! Pleease stop! " I manage to say squealing with laughter.

Niall then stands up from his position and helps me to my feet with a large smirk across his face. I manage re-gain my breathe and comb my fingers throughmy hair to straighten it up.

" What's this? " I ask noticing a basket sitting on thektchen bench while using a tea-towel to brush of some of the flour. 

" I'm taking you on a proper date today " He says handing me the slice of toast giving up on the pancakes then standing inbetween my legs in front of me.

" Where are we going? "

" You'll have to wait and see " He says wrapping his arms around my waist.

" Ok well I'm going to get changed, what time are we leaving? "

" Bout an hour, so be quick "

I jump down from the bench biting the piece of toast he had handed me. I walk back upstairs to my room deciding on what to wear for the day. I settle on a floral mid-drif cropped top, a pair of denim shorts and my blue beanie hanging over the side of my dresser deciding to leave my hair out and straight for the day.

I place all the clothes in a neat pile on my pillow before quickly taking a short shower to washoff the excess flour. After, I dress and swing myself down the stairs holding onto the side rales.

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