Chapter 8

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Nialls P.O.V (Short)

I was so pissed at Harry for practically forcing me to admit my feelings for Kate. I was ready to yank those curls right out of the roots of his head, but I had to admit, I was glad that Harry said that. If he had never asked me that question, then I wouldn't have known that Kate felt the same way about me.

I was in dis-belife when she told me the feeling was neautral, I was certain she would never talk to me again for embarrasing her like that in front of all the boys, obviously I had been wrong.

My mind back tracked to the moment in the forsest when her hand was against my face whipping away the tears I had shed. Where we a couple? I hadn't actually asked her to be my girlfriend. Should I?  When should I do it? These thoughts where giving me a headache. 

Harry apologised for being a dick earlier and him being one of my best mates, I forgave him.

Both relief and nervousness where boucing around in my head. I looked over to my tent noticing Kate opeing the zipper to climb into it. I'm so glad she agreed to share the tent with me. Shit. She's sharing a tent with me. The feeling of relief was suddenly over powered by nervousness. Ok Niall, don't fuck this up or say anything idiotic, I said to myself.

~ ~ ~

Kate's P.O.V

"Where is it!" I remarked pushing piles of clothes to the side looking for my pajama pants. Everything was still so messy in Niall's tent and made it impossible to find anything. I pulled back my sleeping bag to find my pj pants crinckled up in a ball.

I must of thrown them there earlier when I was changing out of my muddy clothes. I slid on the patterned pajama bottoms and pulled on a thin white knit jumper over a plain grey tank top.

The tent curtains pulled back and Niall stepped foot into the tent.

"What, no more underwear flashes?" He grinned before I lightly smacked his arm.

I pulled my long hair out of the high ponytail it had been up in. Niall turned to the corner and pulled of his t-shirt revealing his bare back. His biceps where beautifully toned, it was almost impossible to tear my eyes away from him. He turned pulling a different shirt over his head. I snapped my head to the side pretending I hadn't just been starring and his perfectly musceled body. 

Niall smirked, my cheeks flushed knowing I had been caught. 

We both layed down into seperate sleeping bags next to each other. A serenade of 'goodnight's' filled the camp sites atmosphere from all of the boys. Outside was freezing cold and the frosty air was filling the tent. The ground was bumpy and uncomfortable causing me to toss and turn. I sat up searching through my bag for something warmer to wear.

" You ok Kate?" Niall stirred.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit cold."

"Come here" Niall zipps open his sleeping bag and gestured for me to come over to him.

I climb into his sleeping bag as he wrapps his arms around my waist pulling me closer into him. I could already feel myself becoming warmer from the heat rising off his chest. 

"Thank you Niall" I whispered facing his chest.

He pulls back strands of my hair before placing a kiss on top of my head. His lips where soft and the breif contact of his lips left me wanting more. Without thinking my hand lead up to his chin pulling it down to meet my lips. His blue eyes met mine before I pressed my lips against his.

Our lips moved perfectly in rhythym as he placed his hand on my cheek pulling my face closer to his. His lips where perfectly molded into mine as if they where meant for me. He pulled back placing his chin ontop of my head. His hand stroked up and down the curves of my back. 

" Kate?"

" Yeah Ni? "

"I love you" He stuttered.

The words leaving his lips felt so naturel, not only because he's always say it before, but that was when we where best friends, now the word had a different meaning. I loved the way he made me feel, I loved him. I smiled into his chest before replying.

"I love you Ni" I whispered

He starred down at me before placing another short kiss against my lips. My mind completly forgot about every other detail and focused on Niall. 

"I'd dream about these moments Kate, I never thought I would have been so lucky for them to become reality."

I imagined the smile on his face and moved closer into him. I felt my eyes become heavy and soon enough fell asleep. Hours passed before I woke to the sound of rustling outside the tent. I looked over to Niall who was fast asleep. The sound repeated and fear took over my body causing me to wake Niall.

"Kate whats wrong?" He sat up. His voice was croaky from just waking.

Footsteps where soon heard outside the tent and Niall imeditally perked up.

"Kate stay here, I'm gonna look outside"

"No you don't know what's out there, I'm coming with you" I say pulling my jumper over my head. I knew my stubborness would get through him.

"Fine but stay behind me" He let out a small sigh.

We both step outside the tent. The sky was still dark but the surroundings of trees where still visible from the moonlight. We decided to walk over to the closest tent to ours. Harry's. Niall carefully un-zipped the tent door and let out a gasp.

"He's not here!"

"What do you mean he's not there?" I nudged Niall to the side before realising he was right. Harry wasn't in his tent.

"Where the hell could he be?" Niall looked around.

Panic and concearn where swelling up inside of me. We soon checked all of the boys tents. None of them where in their tents. We both jumped to the sound of leaves rustling and sticks crunching. Niall noticed how heavy my breathing had gotten and pulled me to the side of him.

We slowly walked around the back of the tent. Giggling was heard and a huge grin plastered over Nialls face. He placed his finger in front of his lips gesturing to be quiet. Niall tip toed around the back.

There was scilence for a few minutes before squeals of  roaring and laughter cracked the scilence. I rushed around to find Niall in a fit of laughter and Louis looked as if he had just had a heart attack. The rest of the boys soon emerged from the back of the tent.

"Lou you idiot! You always give us away! " Zayn says.

"Well so-rry for just about dying from fright! " Louis says out of breathe.

We laugh at Louis' remark.

"Don't be silly Lou, what where you boys even doing?" Niall says

"We where trying to scare you love birds" Harry replys.

My cheeks flushed at Harry's words.

"Yea but Louis ruined it" Liam adds.

Louis rolled his eyes at the boys as Liam and Niall helped him to his feet.

 After the fail of a prank the boys tried to play on Niall and I, we all return to our tents to setell down for the second time tonight.


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