Chapter 3

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- Nialls's P.O.V -

"They've been gone for a while now" I say worried while grabbing my grey hoodie out of my bag.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon" Harry says focusing on the instruction sheet for how to set up his tent.

"What if they're lost,  What if Kate got hurt?" I say suddenly relaising what I had just said out loud.

Louis, Harry and Zayn all stopped what they where doing and looked at each other exchanging a grin knowing they all had  the same thought in mind.

"Niall have you got a thing for Kate?" Louis says curious.

 Crap. I've done it now.

"What? No, don't be ridiculous" Liam had already gotten the truth out of me, and in him I trusted, but these 3 boys could never keep a secrate and I knew if I told them Kate would find out in no time.

"Ok that's good because I sort of like her and was thinking of-"

" What? No Louis-" 

"Niall calm down I'm joking" Louis says laughing at how worked up I had gotten.

"So, Niall has it in for Kate" Harry and Zayn say teasing me.

I sat down onto the log we had placed in the middle of all the tents so we had somewhere to sit.

Zayn, Louis and Harry all then came and sat on the folding camp chairs we had brought.

"So does she like you back?" Zayn asks

"I don't know"

"Have you made any moves on her yet?" Harry adds

 "I don't even like her that way!" I say.

The boys all give me the 'yeah right' look and I sigh knowing I've been caught. I give up trying to keep the secerate from the boys.

"No, not yet, but soon"

"You should just tell her" Louis says taking a bite out of the oreo cookie he had gotten out from the packet.

"I don't want to mess anything up! I don't want to lose her" I say lowering my head.

"Awwww" All the boys cooed at the cheesy statement  I had just made.

 "I swear to god though if any of you tell her anything-"

"I'm sure she likes you back Ni, just give it time" Zayn smirks.

I smile back at the lads, hoping they can keep their promise.

I went to help Zayn unpack the pots and cutlery we needed for making dinner that night. 

"What did ya bring for dinner?" I call to Harry unpacking the food.

"2 minute noodles" he replys.


Zayn and I instantly drop what we where doing and ran  to where the scream had come from.

Louis was on the ground outside his tent quickly shuffling back as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Lou what happened?!" We all shouted helping him to his feet.

A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days and I'm sorry for such a short chapter but mums taken my phone from me so I'm  sneakily using the iPad. I hope you like this chapter and feel free to  vote/comment your thoughts. Thank you xx

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