Chapter 23

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WARNING Mature Content not reccomended for ages under 13. I'd like to thank ziallsquiff_ (IG) for writing the mature part as I am no good at them. Read At Your Own Risk.

" WELCOME TO WHERE WE ARE LONDON " Liam yells between the beat of the lyrics,

The stage set up was cleverly designed with a very effective background. I danced along to the songs alng with Perrie and Eleanor as I then heard my name being called. My head turned in the direction the voice was coming from.

It took me a few minutes before I noticed a girl who looked about the age of 15, dressed in the boy's tour shirt.

" Me? " I mouthed pointing to myself wondering if it was really my name she was calling out. How did she even know my name to begin with?

She nodded and gestured for me to come over to where she was standing. I looked over at Perrie and Eleanor who where still singing along to the song played. I cautiously took small steps to the girl being sure to keep my distance when I got near her.

The screams of fans and loud music was draining out the sound of her voice. Her hand raised and waved towards her ear as I bent down to hear what she had to say.

" You're Kate? Niall's girlfriend? " The girl asks,

I nod not sure how to reply.

" I just want to say, that make sure when you're holding his hand, hold it tight because you are holding my entire world " 

I look directly at the girl. Her head is bowed as her fingers play with the wristband she had. The words hit me like a speeding car. Hearing the words from the girl I had only just met, made me realise how much the boys meant to those girls, their fans.

The girl was now looking in the direction of the stage where the boys where all formed in a group hug. I proceded my next actions not thinking about it for a second.

" Come with me "

The girls eyes brightened, her stance stayed firm against the ground before words finally escaped her parted lips.

" What? " Her hand gradually moves in front of her mouth as the shine from freshy glossy tears begin to fill the corners of her eyes. 

I help her through the barrier assuring security that she is with me. I take her hand in mine and lead her around the back entrance of the stadium. 

I find the boys dressing room and stay with the girl outside. The tears that had formed earlier are now smothly running down her flustered cheeks. 

" Ok, now can you promise not to scream if I bring Niall here? "

She nods, her hand shaking still covering her mouth.

I smile at her before grabbing a tissue of the nearby desk and wipe away some of the tears. 


Moments pass before loud footsteps are heard running down the hallway. 

I walk over to Niall as the other boys follow behind.

" Aye did you like the show? " He says with his face glowing from the adrenilan rush they had recived preforming their first show of the 'Where We Are' tour.

" It was great " I say smiling back.

He leans into place a peck on the side of my cheek before I speak up.

" I brought a girl backstage, she told me something very moving and I really wanted you to meet her " I say bringing the corner of my lip behind my teeth.

" That sounds fine, where is she? " He says peering over the side of my shoulder. 

I turn to the side so Niall can see. The girl is frozen in her tracks with her hands continuesly shaking. 

" Hello love " Niall says walking towards her with his arms opening to pull her in for a hug.

Her tears begin flowing down her cheek again as her arms rap up around his shoulders.

" I l-love you so much Niall, you're my entire world " She stutters between hiccups of sobs. 

The girl is given a signed photo of Niall and has her picture taken before security arrives escorting her back out into the arena. She mouths the words 'thank you so much' before turning the corner outside the exit.

" C'mon, let's get back to the hotel " Niall says placing a kiss on the top of my head.

The ride back to the hotel is filled with the boys explainging all of the idiotic and stupid things/mess ups they had done that night during the concert.

" That was a nice thing you there " Niall says placing one arm behind his head pulling me onto him by my thighs so that my knees are on either side of him.

" She was grateful, you mean alot to them you know " I say tying my hair back into a messy bun looking at his beautifully messy blonde quiff sprawled over the pillow.

Niall's hand reaches up brushing past the soft skin against my face as his head leans forward placing a gentle kiss against my lips. The kiss grows heated as I feel his arms strocking down my own, placing my hands ontop of his chest.

I shift my body so that I was now straddling him. Both his hands slowly crease down the back of my pajama top, past my shorts and rests on outside of my thighs. As his breathe deepends into the kiss, I alow my hands to run across his bare chest.

The kiss grows more intense as his tongue then playfully swipes across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I teasingly don't accept and shift so that my chest is now placed on top of his. My lips slide down to his jaw line, lightly pecking at the curve then moving to his neck.

" Don't play with me Kate " He moans. His voice has deepened giving it a dark husky feel. His hands movefrom their position on my things, to my waist.

His hand flips the sides of my waist around so that he was now in control. Typical.

His head dips placing his soft lips against mine. I give in allowing his impatientce to get the best of me.

Where we really doing this? Tonight? 

The electricty shoots across the surface of my skin as his hand creases the sides of my hip steadily rising. His hand is placed under the curve of my back as his other is rested underneath my pajame top. His large hand cups the right side of my breast. I bite down on my lip as his lips move down to the sensitive area against my neck as my nails start to dig into his flexed biceps.

The vibrations of his moan eho through the skin on my neck. The way his blonde hair tickled the side ofmy neck sent buterflies through my stomach.  His hand creases along the rim of my shorts.

I stop him before I completely loose myself.

" Niall...."

" Yea " He says breaking the kiss against my neck.

" Not tonight " I say positioning myself up onto my elbows. 

His hand rests under my chin. 

A few seconds more and I would have been stuck under his trance.

" It's ok, just tell me when "

I smile at him before his hand pulls my face close to his so that our lips connect. 

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment + vote, I'm not sure about having Nina Dobrev as the charater for Kate, I'm now thinking Lucy Hale. Please comment your thoughts or even another actress that may suit the role of Kate. Thank you! 

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