Chapter 10

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I had no idea what would happen after we got back from our little weekend getaway. Things would get harder, being that the boys had their new tour coming up in just a couple weeks.

"Look my line got something!" Louis shreiks.

We all turn our heads to the fishing rod leaning against the boat, now tugging at the line.

" You got a bite Lou! " Liam calls stumbling over to the end of the boat to retreive the rod.

All the boys jump to their feet with excitement causing the boat to wobble and rock.

"Sit down! I'll get my own rod, I caught it!" Louis hisses.

"Lou just wait your going to fall, let me get it!" Liam nudges Louis to the side.

"Sit down both of you!" Harry grabs them both.

"HARRY!" Louis yells suddenly losing his balance. Seconds past before both boys fall over the rim of the boat into the water, tipping the entire boat sideways.

Niall, Zayn, Liam and I all scream in hysteria as the icy water collides with our bodies.

"JESUS CHRIST LOUIS ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Zayn screeches at Louis wading in the water.


Immediatly I feel sorry for Louis as the boys exchanged remarks about his idiotic move. Sure it was silly but he didn' tmean to purposely tip the boat.

After the boys tipped the boat over back to the right side up and gathered all the equipement that had fallen into the water, we all then climbed back into the boat and paddled our way back to the bank.

I could tell Louis felt bad for what he did, and he apologised to the boys after reaching dry ground.

The rest of the night went quickly, all of us where tired after the whole 'excitment' back at the lake. Niall had lit the campfire and helped Liam cook dinner.

"You hungry Kate?" Niall asks holding a small bowl in his hand.

"Yeah I'm starving" I replied realising I hadn't eaten since breakfast.

Niall scoped a large ladle of soup into the bowl and passed it to me before serving his own.

We all talked exchanging amusing stories from our past over dinner.

"When I was little, uhm, I'd sneak into my mums room, and steal one of the bra's out of her dresser, then I'd put it on and run around the house yelling 'LOOK I HAVE BOOBIES' " Harry exclaimed causing us all to burst into laughter.

" That's not that bad actually, when I was about 10, I showed an intrest in spray painting after our art teacher showed us at school, so I borrowed one of them, and took them home and just spray painted the wall, mum wasn't to happy when she got home from work. " Zayn adds as more outbreaks of laughter fill the atmosphere of the campsite.

Our stomachs where still hurting by the time we had settled down from laughing. A cold wind had picked up in the last few minutes and the boys went to their tents to grab some blankets they had brought.

Niall returned with a blue and green knitted blanket and wrapped it around me, pulling the other side around him as he sat down. He then placed a soft kiss just above my temple and placed his hand in mine. I looked down at out intertwined fingers and smiled.

"How did I ever become so lucky? I never thought I could have you, how could I end up with a girl so beautiful like you Kate?" Niall whispered into my ear sending shivers up my spine.

"You've always been able to have me" I smile.

Niall placed his fingertips under my jaw and leaned in connecting our lips. Niall was slow and soft and moved beautifully in sync with mine, nothing like the guys I had dated before. 

"Ah-hem?" Louis coughs. I forgot that we where still in the presance of others.

"Try save your make out sessions for later" Harry smirks.

I blush and rest my head against Niall's chest as he places his chin on the top of my head. The fog had lifted from earlier and the sky above was clearly visible. There where so many bright stars shinning above, I had never seen so many before, probally because the city lights where we lived drained them out.

"Ay, why don't we sleep out here tonight?" Zayn asks

"Yeah we should" Niall says as all the boys nod in agreement.

We all stand up to gather our sleeping bags and pillows from the tents and bring them back out to where the camp fire was set up underneath the stars.

Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis all engage in their own small conversations leaving Niall and I. I decide to bring up the topic I was most worried about.

" Niall? "

" Yeah? " he replies turning so that he is on his side facing me.

" Uhm, when are we going to tell everyone back home about us. "

" I don't know yet, whenever my princess feels comfortable. " My mind melts at the way he calls me 'his princess'.

" Let's not worry about it now, we can talk about it later " Niall says moving a strand of my hair behind my ear before bringing me forehead forward and placing a soft peck against it.

His tone relaxed me, but the thoughts of what might happen after the camping trip frolicked around in my head.

" Goodnight beautiful " Niall says stroking the dips on my spine.

" Good night "

" Night guys " I raised my voice slightly.

" Goodnight Kate! " they all replied in time causing me to giggle.

" Night Lads " Liam then added causing all boys to then exchange an orchestra of goodnights.

" Hey you missed me Zayn! " I hear Louis call over the continues back and forth goodnights which earned another laugh from Niall and I.

A/N: Excuse any typos I wrote this on my phone which I will correct later, remember to vote + comment! Thank you ilysm xxx

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