Chapter 22

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" Ok, ok " I say giving into their constant nagging.

" Well, a couple weeks ago Niall started acting a bit strange, it sounds cheesy but sometimes I would catch him starring at me and he was constatnly complementing me. I actually didn't realise any of this until the week we went camping with the other boys. Liam had told me that Niall had something for me, but I wasn't convinced at the time. The first night though, we where playing truth or dare and Harry had asked Niall who he loved. Niall was in a way, 'stalling' his answer. The boys where pushing him for an answer and I could tell he didn't want to say until he screamed at the boys. He then said that he had feelings for me followed by violent words to the boys for making him say what he said. "

" What happened then? " Perrie says,

" He stormed off, and I followed him and by the time I had found him he had tears running down his face and his head was bowed. "

" Aww, poor Niall " Eleanor and Perrie coo.

" That's how it started " I say wrapping my fingers around the warm coffee cup.

" It's good Niall and you are together, he seems much happier " Eleanor says.

I smile at her comment. Knowing Niall was happy made me happy.


The text tone of my phone startles me as I reach down into my pocket to take it out.

" It's Niall, he said they're all at the arena rehearsing and that we could meet them there now if we wanted "

" Course, would be fun " Perrie says finishing the last drops of the drink she had ordered.


Niall's P.O.V

" And Liam you stand over here opposite Louis, Niall you come stand right there next to Zayn and Harry.......where's Harry? The choreographer says pointing out our positions on stage.

We all turn around searching for Harry. One of the security guards is heading backstage when suddenly Harry is rised up from undearneath the stage.

" Sorry lad's, just testing out the lift " He says combing his fingers through his hair before joining the rest of us up front "

" Harry you really need to focus, we've got less than an hour before people start filling the arena. "

Liam and Louis both exchange a laugh in amusement of watching Harry being lectured by the choreographer.

" Got it " Harry says biting down on his lip trying not to let out a laugh.

" Aye, Niall when are the girls getting here? " Zayn says nudging the side of me.

" Kate says their on their way " I reply.

I was nervous. Not only was tonight our first concert of the 'Where We Are' tour, but it was a much bigger croud then the 'Take Me Home' tour. More venues and seating areas had been added. The preasure builds on my shoulders.

" Niall are you listening? " The choreographer says breaking me from my thoughts.

" Huh? " I say completely deluded and lost.

" You move here after Zayn's solo then return to your position after yours is then finished. "

I nod at his instructions.

I smile noticing the three girls entering the arena. They take a few seats in the crowd before being told by security where the place they should stand tonight.

" Yep, thanks " I see Perrie mouth.

God this choreographer is getting on my nerves.

A/N: Very short chapter, I know. I've gotten a few tweets on twitter asking about what had happened last Tuesday when my two friends and I had gone to the hotel too see if we could catch a glimpse of the boys. Well, we trammed into the city that morning, hoping that maybe they would open their hotel windows and wave down to us. When we arrived there was only about another 20 girls their sitting on the walls outside the entrance. We did the same for a bit starring up at the hotel windows. One of my friends had gotten hungry so we actually went into the Lobby to find the food court. We where suprised that Security had let us in and soon noticed there where a couple girls also in the lobby. We passed the lobby and went through to the fod court noticing that there where the One Direction merchandise trucks outside. We went out to have a look but then started walking back. Then we heard a couple girls screaming and turned around noticing that people had gotten out of a FOX FM car just next to the trucks and walked to where the girl was screaming. It turned out that the people from FOX FM had given a few girls SIGNED callenders by the boys. My friends and I where a little annoyed knowing that if we hadn't walked away from the car earlier we might have gotten the signed calanders but oh well. We walked back to the Lobby when I had a DM from and updater account I was insiding or that day and she old me that a fan had spotted LIAM in the gym. We all feaked out for a second and went to the search pad in the Lobby to try find where he gym was, there was no gym on the search pad but there was a apool and spa and we figured that's where the gym must of been. So we got into an elevator and went to the floor that had the spa and pool, and sure enough there was a sign saying 'gym'around the corner. We walked over suprised that there was only about another 10 girls there. We weren't aloud into the gym because we weren't guests but the doors where two very large glass panels that we could all easily see through. We waited a few minutes before we saw LIAM AND HIS TRAINOR walk past up near the punching bags! My mouth was shaking and no one was screaming because we where all in shock. Soon a lady had come and all told us to go back down to the lobby. By the time we where back downstairs there where now THOUSANDS of girls outside the hotel and security was blocking of around the parking areas so girls couldnt run onto the road. They weren't letting any girls in the lobby so it was us and another few girls aloud to stay in the lobby until we where moved to the area behind the lobby. There was a rumour that Niall was returning to the hotel from being out that day so lots of girls where running around to varies entrances. My friends and waited a long time until we decided to wait at the back entrance. We waited for a few minutes before we heard loud creams coming from around the front so we and the other girls waiting sprinted to the front entrance hoping Niall was there. We got around and it wasn't Niall that had gotten out but it was Paul! He walked right over to us and I managed to get a video of him. It was very surreal seeing him as I had only ever seen him in pictures and videos. He was smiling wich was a very good sight to see. My friends and I waited another 2 hours for Niall to come but he never did. So we went home and it only then started sinking in to me that we had just seen Liam and Paul. I was still shaking by the time I had gotten home. I'm so grateful that I got to see both of them an so thankful for the luck we had.

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