Chapter 9: Forgiven, but not forgotten.

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Niall's POV:

It was already noon when I stepped out of the shower, inhaling the scent of my shower gel as I wrapped my towel around my waist.

It was snowing outside, which made the streets look like a Winter wonderland. It looked beautiful, but I couldn't care less right now because I was extremely angry, tired and grumpy.

I tossed my towel in the corner of my bathroom without being bothered to clean the mess up. I quickly put on some jogging pants with a white tanktop, and I walked in a quick pace towards the living room where the rest of the boys were already watching television while eating some pancakes which I guessed Harry had made because he was the only one who could make decent pancakes. They all turned around when I walked in, a compassionate look plastered on their faces.

I sat down next to Louis as I stole a pancake from him, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Delicious," I complimented Harry as I licked some syrup off my fingers, earning a warm smile from him.

"Niall, your phone has been ringing constantly since early this morning," Liam informed me as he handed me my phone which I had probably left on our coffee table last night. I sighed as my phone started ringing again and I glanced at the display to find out who was calling me.

"Taylor," I muttered under my breath and I clenched my fists into balls.

"Maybe you should pick up, you can't ignore her forever...," Liam started carefully, earning a death glare from me as I frowned my brows together, clenched my jaw and pursed my lips in a thin line. I was so mad at Taylor because of what happened last night. I knew she had never liked Emma, but this went way too far.

"No, Liam. If you want things to get fixed, go pick up yourself," I said through gritted teeth as I gave him my phone back. He hesitated before he accepted my offer and he picked up.

"Hey Taylor, this is Liam." I heard him saying but he walked towards the kitchen and shut the door so that we couldn't eavesdrop their conversation.


We were watching television for about an hour when the doorbell rang, and I glanced over towards the boys to see if they knew who it was, but they all sent me a questioning look.

"Niall, go open the door!'' Liam commanded, and I was indignant by his sudden command.

"Why me, Zayn is the closest to the door!" I said, feeling way too lazy to get up, but Liam shot me one of his famous glare which I couldn't resist so I got up and made my way towards the door. I opened the door and immediatly regretted it, because Taylor stood in our doorway. A groan slipped out of my mouth as she looked up to me, her eyes full of sadness.

"Can I come in?" She asked really softly as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt. I sighed as I weight my options but she didn't let me decide and she pushed me aside gently and walked in.

"Hey guys,'' she said to the boys, but they weren't reallty happy to see her as they waved at her before making their way out of the livingroom so me and her could have some time for ourselves.

"Soooo...,'' I began as I sat down on our leather chair. She suddenly looked mad and pointed her finger at me.

"Why did you ignore my calls?!" She spatted out, remaining the upset look on her face as she crossed her arms. I was surprised by her sudden anger, shouldn't I be the angry one?!

"Maybe because of what you did last night?" I said to her, hoping she would understand but this seemed to make her even more angry.

"What?! I didn't do anything, I just told her the truth! And besides, why do you even care? She's you're ex-girlfriend! She also said mean things to me, but you don't care about that huh?'' She was yelling now and she threw her hands in the air. I looked away as I remained silence. She felt quiet as she saw me and she walked up to me.

"Is there maybe something I need to know?" She whispered, trying to lock her gaze with mine but I refused to look at her straight in the eye. I hastily shook my head, and she sighed in relief.

"I just hate the fact that you're such a bitch around her, she hasn't done anything to you, Taylor. It's not fair, it was her first time as a TV-host and you totally ruined it.''

She knew I was telling her the truth, but as stubborn as was she would never admit I was right. She sat down on the couch, crossed her legs as she sighed deep.

"She did it herself, I didn't tell her to pass out, you know. I was just being honest, because she is really desperate and she still wants you back which is absurd because you have me, duh,'' she said and I got mad again.

She does this all the time, and I was sick of it. She always said something bad about the people I cared about, she actually disapproved all the people I hung out with.

"Sometimes I really question myself why you're my girlfriend.'' Oh god, that totally slipped out of my mouth. She looked at me, her mouth wide open in astonishment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that,'' I apologized right away, but I knew I wouldn't get away with this so easily.

"Are you still in love with her?"

I didn't know what to say because I didn't know if I was. Or maybe I didn't want to know, maybe I was too afraid of the truth.

"Niall? O my god, why aren't you answering me?"

I grabbed both of her hands and leaned in to her as I whispered to her: "'Course I'm in love with you babe, not with her.''

A/N: This is I think my first real A/N, so yeah hello! I know this chapter is a little short and a little boring, sorrehhh. It's just a filler because I'm kinda busy! I'm so happy about the fact that there are actually people who are enjoying my story, thank you so much for that! I normally have an editor, but this time I decided to update my story without an editor, because that's faster. I don't know if there are huge mistakes, but if there are please let me know so I'll ask an editor for help next time. But if it's okay, I know I don't always need an editor and I can update my story faster. Thank you! Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and BYESTAGRAM. That was so lame, sorry. Please forgive me. <3333

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