Chapter 1: Old love lies deep

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"Hello Emma, pleasure to see you. How's everything going?" He asked politely and I smiled at him. I sat down at his desk as I played nervously with the button of my blazer. My boss had invited me to his office but I didn't know why. Was he going to fire me? I hoped he wouldn't because this was my dream job. I worked at 'The Late Night show', a successful British TV program. I worked behind the scenes, which I enjoyed a lot.

"Hello sir, likewise! Everything is going great, thank you.'' And I wasn't lying. I finally had my life back on track. After my break up with Niall a year ago, everything had went down hill. I  felt depressed, didn't want to go out and didn't saw my friends anymore. But after 6 months I decided to change my life. And now I was here at the "Late Night show' office.

"Great to hear, Emma. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to fire you.''  He read my mind and laughed at his own joke. I sighed in relieve and chuckled.

"The reason you're here has something to do with a big assignment. You're working here for a while now, and I must say you've really impressed me. We're having a big guest tomorrow, and I'm trusting you. It's your job tomorrow to be their personal assistant. Bring them anything they want, accompany them trough our building. Help them with their microphones and make sure their on set on time. You are going to accompany them all day. Do you think you can manage that?"

I looked at him with my mouth wide open. This was such a big deal, and they trusted me on this. I gleamed with pride. "This is such an honor, sir! Thank you so much! I would love to do this. Which celebrity is it, if I may ask?" 

I hoped it was Johnny Depp. Or Liam Hemsworth! Or maybe even Josh Hutcherson. I would probably lock them up in the dressing room and jump on them. Kiss them. Touch them. Okay, stop it you dirty minded girl!

"I think you're going to be really pleased about this. They are five really attractive young men.'' He said and he wiggled his eyebrows jokingly. "It's One Direction. But Taylor Swift is also coming. As you may know she's Niall Horan's girlfriend so she's joining them. This is going to be really big because this is their first interview together.''

I looked at him in disbelieve. You've got to be kidding me. All the pain of a year ago suddenly returned and I tried to keep myself together. I was going to see Niall again, I was going to see Niall again, I was going to see Niall again. I repeated it in my head, trying to understand. I never saw him nor spoke to him after our break up. We just totally ignored each other for a year.

"You look pale, Emma. Aren't you happy with the news?" I acted like everything was fine and gave him a fake smile.

"Yes, everything is fine. I'm really happy, thanks for the opportunity!' And with that I left his office.

I opened my front door and was greeted by silence. I tossed the keys on a small table and went to the kitchen. I really needed some food now to comfort me. I couldn't believe I was going to see Niall and the boys tomorrow. I did miss them though.

They were like brothers to me. I smiled at the the thought of them as I grabbed a tub of Ben and Jerry's. I plumped down on my old leather couch as I sighed deep. It was dark and cold in here, I didn't bother to switch the light on.

I was terrified for tomorrow. I was just going to pretend like I didn't know them. "It was Niall, right? Nice to meet you!' Yeah, really convincing Emma. The fact that his girlfriend was also going to be there didn't really help. Did she know about me? I had no idea.

I guessed it was going to be a really awkward day tomorrow. "Hey Taylor, I'm the girl who cheated on your boyfriend and now I want him back, but friends just call me Emma!'' That sounded absolutely perfect. I didn't know what was more awkward, talking to Niall or talking to Harry. Wait no, definitely Niall.  

Even though Harry and I had kissed, we both knew it was a huge mistake.

He had even texted me a couple of days after the break up, telling me that he was really sorry and that he cared about me. 

That was sweet though but it didn't fix anything. My eyes were getting heavy as I laid down on my couch and drifted of to sleep. Not a peaceful one though.

I had only two hours left to get ready. Two hours left until the big awkward One Direction meeting. Two hours left before going to hell. I love my life.

I decided to really put some effort in to my appearance, I didn't know why. I guess I still wanted to impress Niall. Maybe I thought that looking good will get us back together. Yeah, sure. But there's nothing wrong with a clean cut look, right? So I showered for half an hour which cleared my mind up a bit. I put some make-up on for a natural look. I curled my long brown hair and changed into my work outfit.

I noticed I had freckles on my nose because of the nice weather lately, but I liked it. I was extremely nervous and afraid. I really didn't know what to expect. Did he even know I worked there? I decided to check twitter, maybe he tweeted something about it. @niallofficial: "everyone should watch the late night show tonight !! me and the boys are giving an interview, and my lovely girlfriend taylor is joining us, excitedddd xx" The fact that he called her his lovely girlfriend stung a little.

So I suppose he didn't know. I don't think you're going to be excited for a long time, Mr. Horan. I glanced at my phone, it was time to go. Well, here goes nothing. I grabbed my keys and went downstairs to my car.

I sighed before I turned the engine on. My stomach ache was growing stronger and even my hands were shaky. You can do this, Emma. Please don't cry, please don't make a fool out of yourself. This is important, it's your dream job. Go and kick some ass. I spoke to myself to give myself some confidence as I drove of to work.

"Emma, hurry up! We aspect One Direction to arrive any minute!" My boss Harold shouted.

Everybody was really stressed out because of the fact that we're the first TV show with an interview including Taylor Swift and One Direction. Everything needed to be perfect. "Yes, I'm here!" I said.  

"Go to the back door, greet them and lead them to their dressing room.''  

I nodded and walked over to the back door. I saw a black van parking at the back.

Oh my god. This is it. I'm going to face them. My breath felt uneven and my mouth dry. First Liam got out of the car, and I walked over to him. Maybe they didn't even recognize me.

He held the door open and Zayn and Louis climbed out. They didn't saw me at first, until I spoke up to them.

"Hello guys! I'm going to be your personal assistant for the night, if you need anything just ask me, I'll be here. Where is the rest of the group because we're in a little bit of a hurry!" My voice was shaking but I tried to look confident.

The three of them turned around and stared at me.

"Emma?!" Louis being the first one to break the silence. "What the hell?!" 

I looked at the ground, unsure what to do. But surprisingly Louis smiled wide and pulled me into a tight hug.  

"Jesus Emma, how long has it been? A year?! I have missed you a lot!" 

We both pulled out of the hug and I smiled. "Yes, it has been a year!"  

Liam and Zayn, both still in shock, also hugged me a bit hesitantly. Then the other three came out of the car. 

"Louis, Harry bit my hand! We should ge..'' Niall didn't finish his sentence when he noticed me.

He totally froze up his spot as his jaw hit the floor. No one said anything and it was really uncomfortable. Taylor furrowed her eyebrows not understanding what was going on.

"What's up, babe?" Taylor asked. I clenched my fists into balls at the word 'babe'. I swear I saw hurt flashing though Nialls as he looked at me.

"Emma?" Niall asked softly.

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