Chapter 27: If you repeat chapters, the ending will never change.

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Next to me sat Brian and my mom, both with a sad expression on their face. As my dad turned on the engine and carefully drove off towards the airport, I decided to stay silent. I turned and watched the buildings and houses go by, feeling the nerves in my stomach grow. I looked up at Brian, shooting him a short smile with which he replied a smile as well, though I saw the corners of his lips trembling as he did, showing off how emotional he was feeling right now.

''Nervous?"' he asked politely, as his hand found mine and he squeezed lightly before he let go. I let out a small sigh before answering.


''I'll be here for you,'' he whispered, even though we both knew what was going to happen next. We had discussed this already days ago, and though we both decided on doing this, it didn't mean we both wanted this to happen. He has been my boyfriend for a year, of course it is hard to let him go. I had begged him to at least try, I wanted so badly to show him how well it could work. But as time went by, he showed me that it wouldn't, he was still going to college next year and he wanted to make the best of it. I do understand him, but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt my feelings.

''What are you thinking of?'' he asked and in the corner of my eye I saw we neared the airport.

''Everything,'' I vaguely answered, earning a sympathetic smile of him. I looked down and slid my fingers through his and we stayed in this position until my dad parked the car and turned off the engine.

''Ready, m'lady?'' my dad asked as he turned his face to look at me. I nodded as I opened the car with slight trembling hands. My nerves were on edge as we found the lobby where it was time to say goodbye. I had never been in a flight before and my first trip will be across the ocean. More frightened than ever, I said goodbye to my parents.

''Take good care of yourself, sweetie,'' my mom said smiling, her eyes glistening with tears but she did her best to stay strong and I admired her for that.

''I will mom, I love you.'' Tears soon made their way out, escaping my eyes. As she finally let go of me, I said goodbye to my dad, whom seemed to fight really hard to hold his tears back. He couldn't help it when one single tear escaped and ran down his rosy cheeks.

''I love you,'' I murmured during our hug and I heard him whisper the same in return.

''Brian,'' I whispered as I faced my boyfriend. I looked up at him, my breath hitching as he wiped my tears away with his thumbs. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against mine. His hand ran over my back as he shushed me. I tilted my head and tipped my jaw forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. I hugged him as tightly as I possibly could and I realized I'd started crying again.

''I'll miss you so much,'' he whispered as he embraced me for the last time.

''I'll miss you too, I love you Brian.''

''I love you too,'' he whispered, his voice rough and low.

''You have to say the words to make it official,'' I jokingly said to lighten up the mood. He shot me a crooked smile as he let go of my waist, his hands gently cupped my face.

''I'm breaking up with you,'' he said before he kissed my softly.

''Goodbye, Brian,'' I said for the last time and I turned around to grab my leather messenger bag.

''Goodbye y'all, I love you all very much and I'm going to miss every single one of you.'' That were my last words before I waved and walked away, and I finally let my tears roll uncontrollably.


''Emma? Is that you?'' He said in disbelief as he gaped at me.

''The one and only,'' I sarcastically remarked in a way to hide the emotions that suddenly engulfed me. I awkwardly shifted on both feet as Brian decided to stare at me, his mouth still wide open.

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