Chapter 19: Ignoring people is easy, forgetting them is the hard part.

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 Three days had passed since I walked away, away from him in the hospital. I had expected a feeling of inner peace, one I hadn't felt since the day they showed up at my work for an interview. In fact, it had given me even more stress. I rolled over to my other side, facing my scarlet red wall as I curled myself up as a ball, my pillow clenched between both hands when I heard my alarm going off. I stumbled out of bed hitting the off button of my alarm clock. I stroked some hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear as I walked to my bathroom. I quickly stripped off my clothes and within the next minute I stepped into the shower. The warm water splashed against my skin before slowly running down in streams. I closed my eyes, in a perfect position that allowed my body to catch each bead of water that fell to my skin and I sighed. I had to go back to work today; which was something I would normally be happy about. It was Monday, which meant that we had a very special guest today, five very special guests to be exact. I guess random chance had operated in our favour. I had no idea what to say to him, nor did I even have the guts the look him straight in the eye. I had a lot of questions though, for instance why hadn't he call me at all? I did expect a phone call from him to be honest, so it did hurt me that he hadn't called me at all. He just straight up ignored me for three days, and I didn't know why. Maybe he found out that he was truly in love with Taylor instead of me, but if that was the truth he was an asshole and a big fat liar. Even though I wanted to know the answers, I didn't want to be the first one to call.

I turned the water off and I reached out to grab my towel, wrapping it around my hair as I walked to my mirror to put on some make-up. Every time, no matter how mad I was at him and how badly I didn't want to see him; every time I still wanted to impress him. So that's what I did as I applied some make-up, making sure it wasn't too overdone because even though I wanted to impress him, it must look like I didn't put any effort in it at all. 

After I changed into my work clothes, I grabbed an apple to satisfy my hunger. I felt anxiety return to my stomach, I had to remain strong; I couldn't let it get to me. I grabbed a canvas bag and threw my stuff in it as I noticed I needed to hurry up.

My skin puckered as the cold air hit it, and I quickly got into my car, laying my bag on the seat next to me. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror as I added some clear gloss on my lips to make them look a little more fuller. I sighed for the last time as I turned on the engine on. 

It was only a ten minute drive, but it felt like I arrived in a minute when I walked in, shutting the door behind me as I walked to my boss’ office. He was on the phone, so he gave me a quick nod as he noticed me so I walked past him to my other colleagues. 

"You ready for today?" Susan asked as I twirled a strand of hair around my finger, a nervous habit of mine. I nodded as she handed me my walkie talkie, and I put it in the back pocket of my black jeans.

"Harold is very busy today with business stuff or something,'' Susan explained to me as we walked together to the dressing room. ''Huge reminder, he's extremely grumpy today because he lost a lot of money, so be prepared when you decide to take a step closer to him!'' I gave her a light chuckle as I held the door open for her. 

"Thanks for the tip,'' I replied. Susan took a notepad out of her pocket and flipped through some pages, chewing lightly on the pencil in her hand. 

"Okay, it's twelve o' clock now and One Direction will arrive in like five hours, which gives you enough time to clean the whole building today.'' 

I nodded, my face showing the lack of excitement. Even though cleaning was a big part of my job, it wasn't the most exciting part of it. I had chosen this because I loved being behind the scenes and I loved working with celebrities; I never had desired the spotlight though. 

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