Chaper 31: A woman can give a man a million reasons to be faithful.

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The bedroom door creaked open, a small ray of light emitting from the door. Looking with just one eye open, a rather tall figure appeared in my view. Due to my constant fighting against sleep this whole night, my mind  wasn't working properly. The lure of sleep was compelling, my body almost losing the fight to stay awake. Was I dreaming? I was vaguely aware of a faint clattering sound and when I managed to open both of my eyes, the tall figure was not alone anymore, but accompanied by another person.

 ''What did she take?'' I could hear them speak clearly.  

''I don't know exactly, some sort of sleeping pill. I'm not sure how many though.''

  What? Were they talking about me? I tried to get up, but my body felt extremely heavy. I opened my mouth, but    no sound came out. What was going on? The view in front of me suddenly disappeared and was replaced by total  darkness. With panic rising in my chest, the darkness engulfed me. I heard someone screaming my name, but it  sounded so distant and no matter how hard I tried, no answer could be given.  

''What?'' My voice suddenly got its strength back as I felt two hands on my shoulder, softly shaking me awake. Snapping my eyes open, two pair of concerned eyes where looking right into mine.  

''What the hell is going on?'' I grumbled, placing my hand on my forehead. It was until then that I noticed how    badly I'd been sweating and I immediately felt a little embarrassed.

 ''Did you take sleeping pills?'' Liam asked concerned as he held up a bottle of pills that was laying on the floor.  

''Yeah, I took two. But I normally never get this kind of reaction of it,'' I said confused as I placed my hands behind me, slowly getting up. ''This was so weird. I was awake, because I could hear you two talking but I couldn't    respond or anything. And suddenly everything went black and I started panicking.''  

''Are you okay now?'' Harry inquired, his green eyes big and filled with concern. As I nodded, he shot me another question.

''Why did you even take them anyway?''  

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. ''I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about Niall. I used to take them    all the time after Eliza's accident. I haven't used them for a while though until now. ''  

''Wait, where's Niall?'' I came to the realization that the other half of the bed was empty and it made me wonder where he could be. It was probably after midnight, what could he possibly been doing around this time?  

''That's why we're here,'' Liam slowly began to tell. That instantly sent alarm bells ringing in my mind, yet I    maintained my somewhat calm behavior.   ''He's not here.''   I shot up, the tiredness I'd felt being washed away due to his words.   ''What? Where is he?'' I asked, already realizing how dumb my question was.  

''If we'd known that, we wouldn't be here right now,'' Harry sarcastically remarked and I rolled my eyes at him and stayed silent, now was not the time to bicker over nothing.  

''Did you guys already call him?'' I asked as I got out of bed, without being bothered that I was only wearing an    oversized shirt that belonged to Niall.  

''Ten times already,'' Liam explained as he sat in a chair in the corner of the room. I quickly put on some sweat pants as I looked at my phone to see if I had any messages from him but I got nothing. As I called him, it went straight to voice mail and I frustratingly tossed my phone on my bed.

''And now? Call the police?'' I said, a desperate look on my face.  

''Louis and Zayn are already looking for him. They said they would call if they find him. He'll came back Em, of course he will.'' Liam shot me a warm smile but I couldn't smile back, there was too much going on right now.

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