Chapter 29: It takes nerve to go back to the one who broke you.

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''I got it,'' I said stubbornly as Niall tried to take my suitcase out of my hands so he could carry it. But as soon as the words left my mouth, I tripped over my own suitcase. In my unbalance, I fell against his chest, gripping his broad muscular shoulders to steady myself. As I looked up, my eyes met his, which were sparkling from joy as he tried to hold his laughter in.

''Don't say it,'' I said through gritted teeth as I walked further, he quickly following me until he was walking next to me again. I looked at our hands as they briefly touched on accident but I couldn't help but wish that his hand was clasped in mine. As soon as we exited the building, I saw a couple flashes, almost blinding me. Paparazzi ran towards us and I really didn't need pictures of me leaving an airport. We walked as quickly as we could, trying to avoid the annoying photographers.

I bumped my elbow in his rib in a playful manner as we finally reached his car. He held the trunk of his car for me open as I gently placed my suitcase in it, sighing in relief as we managed to shut the door.

''I told you,'' he mumbled, but loud enough for me to hear. I glared at him until I went to sit in his car, quickly buckling up my seat belt as I watched him turning on the engine and switching through some radio stations to find a song he liked.

''Oh, for godsake, just choose please!'' I groaned as he still was indecisive about the radio station.

''I'm choosing this one,'' he said, smiling widely as ‘Best Song Ever' filled the car. I gave him a goofy smile as we drove off, softly humming along with the song.

''I thought you disliked this one?'' He brought up as he looked at me in the corner of his eye.

''I'm only humming, Niall. Don't get your hopes up.''

He raised his eyebrow as his smirk grew wider. ''No? So you won't sing this song with karaoke?''

''No, I'm more of a Bruno Mars fan,'' I shot back, referring to the time we'd met and he had sung me a song of Bruno Mars. Of course I had secretly loved it when he sung it to me, but I just couldn't help but tease him a little with it.

''I was so ridiculous back then, I still can't believe you even gave me your number,'' he wondered as his mind went back to the day we had met. ''Didn't you think I was a creep or something?''

I briefly laughed, tilting my head back as I let amusement fill me. ''Yes, of course I did! But a cute one though,'' I pointed out, trying to act flirty as I attempt to wink at him but I purposely closed both of my eyes.

''After all these years you still can't wink like a normal person?" He teased, his gaze fixed on the road as I saw a smirk creeping upon his lips.

''Shut up,'' was my answer and I rolled down the window of the car, the warm air rushing against my face, letting it invade the car as I carefully poked my head out of the window.

''Watch out!'' Niall shrieked as a car drove past us, almost hitting me in the face with his driving mirror.

He quickly pressed a button so he could close my window. ''Clumsy,'' he muttered under his breath and I playfully hit his arm. I slipped my sandals off and rested my legs on the dashboard, tapping along with the beat on my thighs.

''Isn't this weird?'' I brought up after a couple minutes of comforting silence. He sneaked a glance at me with one eyebrow perking up.

''What do you mean?''

''This,'' I stated as I pointed my finger at the two of us.

''Us,'' I corrected myself. ''We're acting like nothing has happened, and I'm not complaining, not at all. But shouldn't we be mad at each other or something, or at least act like there's something wrong?"

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