~Welcome Party~

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After her three hours of sleeping, she was up and unpacking her belongings. Not even half of her clothes could fit in the small closet, so she only took out the most appropriate clothes. Unfortunately for her, she had apparently very little clothes that were suitable to wear in a farm. Whatever. It wasn't like I was going to go out and farm anytime soon anyways.

Her plan was to simply hide and keep out of trouble, that didn't seem too hard. All she had to do was somehow survive without Wi-Fi and get friendly with the farmers so they can give her food. Ara had it all figured out and was actually feeling proud of herself, thinking that her plan was sorted.

When she went to go shower, a slow stream of water pelted down only on a small portion of her back. Even after twisting the faucet to its limit the water pressure still didn't increases.

I guess I even have to say goodbye to comfortable showering.

After freshening up, the old ahjumma who lived next door, took Ara with her and her grandson, which Ara recognised as the boy with the bowl cut from earlier, to the village leader's house. He was organising a little dinner to welcome her to the village.

As soon as she entered the village leader's house, she saw one thing.


Children were running around, old ladies were shouting and a man was crying. Taehyung was comforting the crying man, who was desperately clinging to his shoulder. The village leader met eyes with Ara and ushered her to the seat next to him, right across Taehyung, who gave her a little wave.

"This was supposed to be a welcome party for you but it got messy as soon as Dongwook got drunk," sighed the village leader, shaking his head.

"You keep drinking like this and you will never get married!" shouted the village leader's wife.

"I always beg him to give up his alcohol but he never listens," said the drunk man's mother.

"They always bully me, Taehyung. Tell them off!" wept Dongwook. He was 37 years old and still single, also known as the neighbourhood alcoholic. All the old ladies in the village always nagged him to get married or get a job in the city.

He chugged a bottle of soju before reaching for another one, only to get his hand slapped away by his mother. He instantly pulled back his hand and cried even more into Taehyung's shoulder, who was gently patting his back.

"Guys lets quieten down. We didn't gather here to lecture poor Dongwook, we are here to welcome a new member of our village," said the village leader. He signalled towards Ara's direction and every pair of eyes looked at her.

"Hello everyone. My name is Choi Ara and I'm an actress from Seoul."
The room was completely silent, the only sound was drunk Dongwook's gentle snoring.

"I KNOW YOU!" shouted the teenage girl next to Taehyung, "You were in Paradise!".

Ara smiled and flicked her hair.

I guess my popularity had even reached the countryside.

"You recognise me?" Ara faked a surprised expression.

"Of course! I mean you are a Hallyu star, how can I not know you!"

I am liking this girl.

"Kim Taeyeon be quite and go get the ladle from the kitchen," ordered her mum. Despite Nayeon's mature age, she had a young complexion radiating with beauty, even after all these years she still had the face of a former beauty queen.

She was a single mother of three; Taehyung, Taeyeon and Taejun. Nayeon was known for her strong minded and fierce attitude, a personality which only her daughter had seemed to adopt.

"Moving on! Here we have the ladies, our village diving team," the village leader pointed at the four old women. Nayeon was definitely the youngest out of them.

"We dive without using any breathing equipment and collect seafood from the ocean beds ourselves," said the oldest, Yosub's grandma.

"Grandma is the best," exclaimed Yosub, he gave a toothy grin to his grandma as he hugged her arm. Everyone laughed.

"So what made you want to come here?" asked Taehyung's mum to Ara.

Ara explained about the scandal that chased her out of the city; everyone nodded and looked at her with pity.

"That is why it's always better to go for a solid career path like my son. Did I tell you about how he got promoted after he performed a successful heart surgery on an important person?" said Song Ji-Woong.

He was a lonely 65 year old man, who owned the biggest land in the village as well as having the best crops. He was a proud owner of numerous awards for having the best farm and definitely a proud father.

Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes, giving the man dirty looks.

"Be quiet Jiwoong, no one cares," said Taehyung's mum very frankly.

After they had finished eating, Taehyung and his mother had taken the younger children to the house next door to put them to sleep.

Thinking that it was time to go home, Ara stood up to leave. But was dragged back down to the floor by Yosub's grandma.

"Where do you think you're going Missy?," she said, " the fun is only about to begin."

Ara looked around at the others who were smiling at her, deviously. The village leader came out of the kitchen with cans of beers and the room erupted with cheers.

Ara let out a sigh, she really wanted to go back and sleep but the women were not having it.

"How good of a drinker are you?" asked the village leaders wife.

"I've rarely ever drank, let alone get drunk." Ara shrugged her shoulders.

Drinking wasn't a big deal for her. She had been too busy all her life to drink and get drunk. Plus it's not like she had any friends to have fun and drink with.

Everyone gasped with wide eyes. They started muttering to each other, eyeing her with pity.

Did I say something wrong?

"You have not lived," the village leader shook his head with pity as he handed Ara a can.

She looked at it, debating whether to accept it or not. Everyone looked at her eagerly, she let out a sigh and took the drink into her hands.

Just one drink isn't going to hurt.

Boy was she wrong.

A/N Next chapter is going to have more Taehyung and Ara interaction. This chapter was just to introduce some of the other members in the village.
Thanks for reading guys. :)

Farm Boy | k.taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now