~Sports Day~

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"You...You pervert!" I shouted, "Why are you still looking?!"

Taehyung gulped and opened his mouth but no words came out. His cheeks reddened as he quickly turned around to face the door, leaving his back to me. I grabbed my pink towel off the floor and tightly wrapped it around my body.

Then without hesitating, I dashed to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind me. I dropped to the floor and leaning my head against the door.

I tried to calm my heavy breathing and pounding heart by telling myself that it was okay. Surely I had nothing to be ashamed of because it was just an accident.

I let out a loud groan at my failure to reassure myself. How was I going to face him again after I just exposed everything? I couldn't just tell him to forget it or that he just saw wrong.

I kept my ear against the door, waiting for Taehyung and his chickens to leave. Once I was satisfied with the silence, I slowly crept my way to my closet.

Whilst changing, I had formed a good enough plan in my head. I was to avoid Taehyung for the next few days and basically pray that he will magically forget the incident. I could finally put my acting skills to use and just pretend nothing weird happened.

And so that is what I did for the rest of the week. It was actually quite easy to do because Taehyung also did his job well in ignoring me.

The village leader had allowed me to use the small bit of land behind the house I was living in for free. So I used the basic skills Taehyung had taught me to plant my first few vegetable seeds, which Yosub's grandma had offered me.

Mostly I was actually too engrossed in farming to even think about the incident. It almost makes me laugh thinking about how once I was living a glamourous life and now I was far from that. It felt like that life I once lived was decades ago, but actually it had hardly even been a month.

The promise I made with Taehyung, that I would attend every single athletics practise session was also broken. I had already missed three sessions and the competition was today.

"You HAVE to come today!"

"Be quiet Yosub and just eat your grapes," I said.

I was lying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. He huffed and went back to stuffing his mouth with grapes. Yosub had come back from his last practise and was now in my house as always.

I could never understand why this boy liked being with me so much, even with my unfriendliness. Where ever I went, Yosub was sure to be somewhere close by.

The front door opened and Taeyeon waved at us.

"Come on guys, we are going now."

"Noona doesn't want to go," said Yosub, pouting as he looked down at the ground.

"What?" shouted Taeyeon, "I'm not leaving you here on your own!"

"I will do fine," I assured, "I'm familiar with the area now."

Taeyeon frowned and made her way towards me. She stood above, hands on her hips, looking like an unamused mother.

"Everyone is waiting outside. Come on."

She grabbed my wrist and yanked me up. I let out a sigh and reluctantly hauled myself up as Yosub cheered happily. I grabbed the tracksuit top to wear over my white shirt; ever since Taehyung had given it to me, I had practically lived in it.

Together the three of us left my house and as Taeyeon had said, everyone was waiting outside for us with their sports equipment's.

I made eye contact with Taehyung, which didn't last long because we both quickly looked away. My face suddenly heated up at the memory. I was soon awakened from my thoughts, by Yosub pulling me down the little steps.

The crowd walked in front as I followed from behind, still holding Yosub's hand. Taehyung jogged forwards to walk besides me.

Just look ahead, Ara. Not at him.


"Huh? Yes- What?" I fumbled with my words, cringing at my pathetic reaction once again.

"Sorry for that- "

My eyes widened at his sudden apology, which I wasn't expecting. I couldn't let him talk about my nude show in front of Yosub.

"Don't mention it," I quickly interrupted him, gesturing towards Yosub.

His mouth formed a circle as he nodded with realization. We then looked straight ahead and continued walking in an awkward silence, listening to Yosub talking about God knows what.

After ten minutes of walking, we had finally arrived in a huge open field. The grass had been marked all over with white chalk, imitating an athletics field.

There were five different canopies, one was for the judges and the rest were for the four different villages competing.

As we made our way to our designated base, I observed the other village teams. They looked pretty similar to our village members, mostly consisting of old and weak-looking people. But one stood out the most.

They wore matching green shirts and headbands. They even came with a huge banner with their village name on it as well as four young cheerleaders. Actually, the team had way more young people than any of us. The sight of them made me lose all the little hope I had for our village.

"They've won three times in a row," Yosub whispered to me.

I looked down at him, a scowl was plastered on his face. It was actually amusing to see a little boy like him trying to act tough in front of his opponents. I shrugged my shoulders to show that I didn't care, which I really didn't because I had no interest in sports or this event.

Our villagers had gathered into a circle next to our canopy. The village leader was standing in the middle and looked like he was giving everyone a pep talk.

Yosub ran to join the circle, as I made my way underneath the canopy. I plopped down on the chair and let out a huge sigh, finally relieved to be able to rest.

"It's been a while. Kim. Taehyung," said a voice I could not recognise.

A/N: I had updated yesterday but for some reason the chapter got deleted so here it is again :/ The special guest will be featuring in the next chapter btw xD.

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