~Bus Stop~

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The week following my comeback was the busiest I had ever been in a long time. As if I didn't already have so much fame, the scandal had caused me to get more attention. They described me as innocent and misunderstood, suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend.

My face was pretty much everywhere. TV appearances, commercials, billboards. However, despite being so busy, I always found a time during my day to contact Taehyung. Every night, before going to bed we would talk on the phone until one of us fell asleep.

It was a shame I couldn't find time to go back to the village. I felt that my last goodbye was too rushed. Despite me physically being in the city, I was still emotionally attached to the village. Who would have thought that I would catch myself thinking that!

Finally, the day had arrived. It was time for Taehyung to leave the country, yet here I was still in the city. This was not what I had planned. And neither had I planned what I was about to do.

I was sitting on the couch with my new drama project's script in my hand. The day before, I had asked Miyoung if I could go to the village but she had said no. She wanted me to focus on this drama.

I had enough. I let out a loud sigh and rose from my seat, chucking the script on the coffee table. I took a few steps to the open plan kitchen and grabbed a memo paper from the counter. I scribbled a message for Miyoung on the paper and stuck it on the fridge with a magnet. I quickly got myself ready, grabbed the car keys and headed out of the door. If Miyoung wasn't going to let me, I was going to go by myself.

Few hours later, I drove across the bridge I was oh so familiar with. I parked the car and stepped out.


Before I could even turn around, I was tackled with hugs from Yosub and Taejun.

"Alright, guys. Let me breathe." I laughed, patting their backs. They instantly stepped back and began throwing questions at me. It was like the paparazzi situation all over again.

"What took you so long to come back?"

"Are you going to stay with us?"

"We missed you so much!"

My cheeks were hurting due to how much I was smiling. I couldn't help it.

"I missed you all too."

The next few hours were spent in the village leaders house. It was going to be Taehyung's last meal before leaving the village.

"Our boy is going to leave us!" wept Eunju, "Who gave you permission to grow up so fast?"

It was funny to see Yosub's grandma completely losing her cool whilst Taehyung's mother hadn't even shed a tear. I'm sure she was just as sad but we all knew how emotionally strong she was.

"Don't cry, grandma. I will call frequently," said Taehyung, giving her a hug.

"You better!" threatened the village leader's wife, making everyone laugh.

"I can't believe the only person I like in this stinking village is leaving."

"The feelings are very mutual, Jiwoong. No one likes you either," said Taehyung's mother.

"And no one asked you for your comment."

"Can you two not argue for just five minutes, please?" sighed the village leader.

Even though scary ajuuhsi and Taehyung's mother despised each other, their arguments were always going to be the funniest thing to me.

The afternoon rolled by faster than expected and it was almost time for Taehyung to leave. The two of us sat down on the bench next to the village's only bus stop with his two luggage in front of us.

"Are you sure two bags are enough for you?"

"I'm not like you," he chuckled, earning a punch to the arm from me.

"When is this damned bus going to come? We have been waiting for like-"I took out my phone to check the time, "thirty minutes!"

"The bus comes every hour and thirty minutes here."

"One more hour?" I slumped on the bench.

"Well, you are free to leave." I glared at him and he winked back.

"Why can't I just take you to the airport myself. I mean, I have my car right over there," I pointed to the black care parked only a few metres away.

"I would prefer to not have the media following me around. They scare me." He shuddered.

"Oh yeah, silly me!" I dramatically slapped my forehead. "I forgot I was this amazing celebrity."

"Oh no. It's more like I don't want to steal your spotlight." He flicked away his imaginary long hair. "I can't help that I'm such a kind person."

Despite me acting like an hour was too long, in reality I felt it was too short. We had only sixty minutes left before we separate and only God knew when we would next see each other. I was busy and he would be too with university. I secretly wished for the minutes to go by even slower so that we could spend more time together.

However the time was up. The bus was beginning to approach us and I wished I could make the driver brake. We both stood up and looked at each other.

"Well then."

"I guess this is a goodbye."

"You better call me once you get there."

"Don't worry, I will." He chuckled.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I could feel his heart beat racing almost as fast as mine. We stayed in the silent embrace until the bus had stopped besides us and opened its door.

I watched him go inside and sit on a seat next to the window. I waved at him one last time before heading back to my car. I was about to open the door when I heard the bus suddenly come to a halt.

I turned around and saw Taehyung stumbling out of the bus and struggling to drag his luggage behind him.

"What is he doing?"

He ran towards me and dropped his bags, panting for air. I waited for him to get his breath back.

"I don't think I can leave you."


"I want to stay close to you, Ara. And I can confidently say that because I'm ready to sacrifice anything for us to be together."

Then without waiting for my reply he leaned in to kiss me.

A/N: There is five more chapters left for this story, I can't believe it's coming to an end!

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