~Three Bears~

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After that rather awkward chat with Taehyung, I decided to explore the village a little more because it was better than boring myself to death in my house. Everyone seemed to be so friendly and familiar with one another, which was something I never encountered before while living in the city.

The more I noticed the friendly atmosphere, the more I felt like an outsider. Like an unwanted intruder.

But I didn't know how I was supposed to interact with the people here, it was a skill I never fully gained because being a celebrity meant that I had no time for things like this.

My true personality was kept as far away as possible from other people, to the point where I didn't even know who I truly was myself. If I made one wrong move or said one wrong thing, it could end my career and that is essentially what happened now.

Plus, I couldn't seem to find anyone in this place my age to call a friend. Taehyung was one candidate, but seeing how salty he was being earlier made me think otherwise. I didn't like being around children and talking to old people just made me feel awkward.

This whole situation I'm in seemed so unreal to me, if only it was. If only it was just one of my many messed up dreams, I could wake up and go back to the life I felt the most comfortable living. Maybe if I had spent more time making some real friends, they could have defended me when everyone was pointing fingers at me.

I was too busy lost in my own thoughts, to notice someone tugging the bottom of my shirt.

"Noona, noona!"

I looked down to see that the energetic high-pitched voice belonged to Yosub. He had large almond shaped eyes, which was partially covered by his over-grown fringe.

He was holding two huge straw sunhats on his other hand. Finally realising that he had gained my attention, he gave me a wide smile allowing his dimples to poke either sides of his cheeks.

"What?" I asked, swatting his hand away, "don't do that or else you will stretch my shirt."

"I got you this," he replied with a slight lisp, which I had never noticed before.

He shoved one sunhat towards me, shaking it about in front of my face. I grabbed it from his hand as I watched him put on the other hat on his head, which instantly hid his face. I blinked at the child that was eagerly peeking at me through his oversized hat.

"Aww noona, can you please wear it? We can be twins!" he whined.

He clasped his little palms together and jumped up and down, causing his large hat to violently shake on his head.

But its ugly.

"Alright then," I said after a while, letting out a sigh as I proceeded to put the straw hat on my head whilst praying that it wouldn't mess up my hair.

Yosub cheered as he continued to jump up and down, throwing his fists up in the air.

Since when have I been so soft around children?

"I want to show you our village," he said, flailing his arms up in the air whilst doing a little twirl.

I guess it would be easier to navigate the place with someone who is actually familiar with the village by my side. Plus, I was sure it would be easier to talk to a child than an adult.

He raced forwards whilst holding my hand, causing me to stumble forward. And so for the next duration, that is how it went.

Yosub would drag me around the village, excitedly pointing at random areas and explaining things I couldn't understand, due to his heavy accent and lisp. I would simply silently nod and smile, that was enough to please the litte kid.

"This is where the scary ajusshi lives," he whispered, pointing at a house which was the grandest I had seen yet. Jiwoong honestly did have the largest land, his fields stretched back to God knows how long.

"He is so mean because he always makes Taejun cry," Yosub frowned.

"That is not good," I managed to force out, I cringed at my response. I didn't know what to say though. Every time I would reply to something he said, it always sounded so sarcastic, luckily the little boy seemed to not understand what sarcasm was at all.

"Look! He is coming out!," shouted Yosub, "RUN"


I didn't have a moment to react before I was quickly dragged away once again, by the little boy making rocket sounds. I groaned as I quickened my pace to satisfy his speed.

We ran past large green fields and a bridge until we ended up in a more dense area. There were a lot more houses and alleyways there.

"My grandma has a restaurant here," he said.

My stomach growled at the thought of food, causing the little boy to giggle. I scowled at him and he immediately stopped.

"Noona is hungry!" he exclaimed, stating the obvious.

"Well then take me to your grandma's restaurant."

He giggled and we continued to meander through the alleyways.

"Do you know the three bears song?" he randomly asked. I replied with a nod.

"Let's sing it!" he said.

"No," I quickly replied.

He glanced up at me, swinging my arms. The corners of his lips tugged up as a mischievous smile crept upon his face. Suddenly he started to hum a familiar tune.

"Kom sema-ri-ga han chi-be-yi-so."

Oh God.

He put his hands on his hips and began shaking it, sticking his bum out side by side.

"Aww noona, why aren't you singing along? Hyung always sings with me."

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

I let out a sigh before proceeding to sing along.

"Kom sema-ri-ga han chi-be-yi-so!"

We sang and danced together as we made our way to his grandmother's restaurant. To be honest I was surprisingly having a lot of fun. That was something I couldn't deny. Only my second day living here and already I was getting rehabilitated.

A/N In this chapter I wanted to focus more on the growing friendship between Ara and the little boy Yosub. However Tae will be back next chapter.

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