~River Talk~

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I tossed and turned around on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position. I had been lying down for almost an hour and still I couldn't sleep. I wasn't sure if it was due to Taeyeon snoring like a lion fighting with a grizzly bear or because I simply wasn't tired enough.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by the darkness of the room with only being able to make out the dim streetlight through the curtains. I blindly searched for my phone on the bedside table, managing to knock over a few small items during the process.

I froze at the sudden movement of the bed by Taeyeon who was lying next to me. She had turned around to my direction and now I could clearly hear her very audible snores too clearly. She threw her leg over and it wrapped around my body.

I let out a sigh when I finally found my phone. I pressed the home screen to look at the time. It was almost midnight only. I groaned, annoyed with how slow the night was going. I thought it was already the next day.

After lying there, contemplating in the darkness with Taeyeon snoring right into my ear, I finally made a decision. Ever so slowly, I removed her leg to untangle myself from her embrace. I threw my legs around the bed and let it meet the wooden floor.

I noticed an empty space where Taehyung was lying earlier. I crept towards the chair in the corner, where my jacket was thrown over. I took it with me and slid out of the room. I tiptoed through the hallway and almost bumped heads with someone when walking into the open front room.

"Where are you going?"

"Just to get some fresh air," I replied to Taehyung, who was holding a glass of water.

"Wait for me," he said, "I'm coming with you."

He quickly drank the water before turning around to the kitchen, where he put the glass in the sink. I slouched onto the sofa whilst waiting for him to come out.

Few minutes later we were both walking down the empty street. Only a few streetlights out of many were actually working to guide us through the night.

This time, we had taken a different route to see where we would end up. We found ourselves walking into a park; we walked on the long path by the river.

The moon reflected onto the river causing it to glisten. From afar it was nice but if you were to see the river from up close, you would be able to see the rubbish accumulating around the sides.

"Looking at this river makes me miss the countryside," I said, frowning at the many plastic bags and empty cans floating around in the water.

"I'm actually enjoying my time here. I do find the crowds and hustle life in the city a bit overwhelming but there is always something going on unlike back at home."

I nodded my head, in agreement with him. We walked on the same path besides the river, talking about city life in comparison to the countryside. There were a few couples walking hand in hand, drunks stumbling about and suspicious people acting like they were up to something. Faces that we would probably not see again and that was something that was unique to life in the city.

"Every time I came to Seoul with my father, he would always take me out to somewhere new. One day we would visit the zoo and the next we would be in an amusement park. He wanted us to enjoy every second we had in the city."

He had a small smile, as he stared across to the distance, probably thinking back to his memories. Anyone would be able to tell how much he loved his dad from the way he talked about him.

"How did you cope after?" I asked.

"I'm not going to lie. It wasn't easy for me at all but I felt like I had to put on a brave face for the sake of my family," he explained, "My mother was a mess and my siblings were too young to understand. So I ended up being the backbone of the family."

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