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"Am I running a hotel business or something? Everyone wants to be sleeping in my room!"

I kicked the front door since my hands were occupied with holding her suitcase. Once we were inside, I threw the luggage to the corner.

"Geez, how was I supposed to know that?" she replied.

She slowly spun around looking at the messy cramped room. It made me feel uncomfortable because she was basically invading my personal intimate space. It made feel exposed, if that makes any sense.

"You don't need to be so sour, we are practically family," she continued, making herself comfortable on my bed.

I snorted at her comment, especially how she used the word family to describe our relationship. Sure she was the one who accepted me when I had no one to turn to, but she left me now.

"How can you say that when you lied to me and threw me to the middle of nowhere? You kicked me out of the company as well!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air.

The president sat upright and frowned at me, as if I had said something wrong.

"Hold up. Ara come sit down and let's talk this out."

She pushed away the blanket, making space for me to sit. But I sat across from her instead and crossed my arms.

"I temporarily removed you from the company so it doesn't make my business look bad on the media. Sure my stocks had heavily decreased since your scandal, but it would have fallen even further if I didn't remove you."

"All this time I thought you had actually kicked me out, but in fact it was just for your benefit."

"Here me out! It will benefit you too because once the truth is revealed about your silly scandal, you can come back to a stable company. Then we can continue making money together again!"

I simply sat there blinking at her. Maybe I wouldn't have been so sour if she had just told me the damn plan from the start. But one thing I was sure of was that I was genuinely relieved that my career hadn't been completely thrown out the window. Sooner or later I would be going back to acting again and that made me feel excited.

"Anyways, my main purpose of coming here was to give you something."

"And that is?"

Instead of answering my question, she gave me a secretive smile and went to grab her suitcase. She took some of her belongings out until she reached for a silver box sitting on the bottom. Without hesitating, I grabbed it from her and opened it; there sat three packs of cash.

"I didn't spend any of your money from your bank account. I just took some out for you to use right now. Think of it as pocket money because I mean you can't exactly spend a lot in a place like this," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

I picked up one of the stack of money and fanned it in front of my face. I smiled at the familiar smell that I loved.

My favourite fragrance.

"I can buy more land for my garden with this!"

The president choked and began roaring with laughter. I suddenly blushed at what I had said because it was such an unlikely thing for me to say.

"Who would've guessed that a day like this would come where Choi Ara gushes about farming!"

I put the money back in the box and shut it. I looked up and scowled at the woman who was now punching the pillow whilst laughing. Surely it wasn't that funny.

"You don't understand the simple joys of life," I said, defensively.

"That is very rich coming from you."

I glared at her comment. I left her to continue dying of laughter whilst I pushed the money box all the way to the back of the shelf inside my closet.

"Anyways, I don't understand why you were flipping out earlier. You seem to be doing well here, and that boy..."

I turned around and noticed how she was wiggling her eyebrows at me, as if she was trying to telepathically send me a message.

"What about him? I don't know what you mean,"I said, pretending to act clueless.

I really didn't want to think about Taehyung but I had a gut feeling that this wouldn't be the last of her mentioning his name. She had no mercy when it came to either teasing or arguing with someone and I was no exception.

"You were behaving so unlike yourself."

"Sometimes people change," I said, defensively.

I was really hoping that she would just stay inside the house and not mingle with the others, especially not with me around. I didn't want her to say anything about me or our relationship.

But unfortunately that night, we were invited over to the village leader's house for a dinner to welcome her. Obviously I wasn't happy about it because the outcome of our last welcoming party didn't go down well for me. But now what made it worse was that my freaking president was to attend. I could just imagine how the situation could very easily get out of hand.

All the very little amount of spare space I had in my room was now pretty much taken over by her crap. Everywhere I stood, I would either be stepping on one of her clothing item or some random hair tool of hers. She was only staying for two days, but anyone could easily think that she was staying for like a week due to the amount of things she had brought with her.

I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, waiting for her to get ready. I was pretty sure I waited for a good hour, and still she wasn't coming out of the bathroom.

"Are you going to go wearing that?" she said, finally coming out.

I glared at her because of the way she was judging my attire. I stopped caring about fashion after discovering the world of comfort. You could say that the moment I put on a tracksuit was the moment I reached Nirvana.

"Try wearing a tracksuit and let's see if you will still be complaining."

Our bickering didn't stop there. We pretty much argued the whole time we made our way to her brother's house. The topics of our arguments were varied, as it went from talking about the boots she was wearing (I was very sure that they belonged to me) to whether or not Taehyung was my new 'playmate'.

Well isn't this night going to be a fun night.

A/N I NEED YOUR OPINONS GUYS! I'm thinking of doing a parody of My Strange Addiction featuring Ara. It's going to be a very random and out-of-context chapter. Should I do it? Btw I apologise for this boring chapter.

Farm Boy | k.taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now