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The next few months after that night flew by so quickly. It made me both excited and scared. The six months leading up to the wedding day was probably the busiest I had ever been. There wasn't a day where I didn't think about the wedding, it was mostly what occupied my mind.

To be honest it was a little stressful with all the planning and I had also been working on a drama. No one other than the people close to me knew about the wedding. The public didn't even know about me dating. I was actually pretty impressed with myself that I managed to keep my private life so private.

Ever since I decided to have the wedding in the village, I knew choosing a practical but beautiful dress was going to be tricky. I dragged Miyoung, Taeyeon and my manager all over the country to find the perfect dress. But the moment I found the one, I can confidently say that I had fallen in love.

The lace embroidery hung just off my shoulder and hugged my arms all the way just before my wrist. The lace design continued all the way down to the floor with the dress fanning out a little from mid-thigh. It was simple but elegant. I could go on about the dress for days. And if I had to, I would be capable of writing a ten-page essay on it.

"I can't find the darned veil," said Taehyung's mum.

"I'm sure I brought it here," I scanned her room. It wasn't easy to look around, especially with all the mess we had created.

I caught Yosub and Taejun giggling in the corner of the room from the mirror reflection. I narrowed my eyes and tried to hear what they were saying to each other. Nayeon followed my gaze and frowned at the two boys. They looked up at us and instantly stayed quiet.

"I don't know where it is," Yosub bit his bottom lip, trying to hold back a smile.

"Stop joking around and go get it from wherever you put it," she huffed and muttered under her breath, "That little troublemaker."

"I don't know what happened to him, "I shook my head, laughing, "He used to be so innocent."

The door opened and we thought it was Yosub but it was his grandma in her hanbok instead.

"Goodness, Nayeon! You still haven't gotten ready?"

"I've been too busy preparing Ara," she looked up at the clock, "Taeyeon is supposed to be here to help me but she still hasn't- "


"Woah, great timing!"

"I know right," she winked at me.

"You little piece of- Come here, you deserve to get slapped." Her mum walked up to her and dragged her back by the ear.

"Ouch! Mum, I'm sorry!" she begged, causing me and Eunju to laugh, "I had to finish editing some footage."

"Well now you can stay here and help Ara. I'm going off to get ready," she closed the door behind her leaving the two of us on our own.

"How's life going as a producer?"

"Hard," she sighed, "Really hard."

"Do you regret not becoming an idol?"

She laughed and nudged my arm. "Come on, Ara. Let it go, I have grown up and my dreams have changed."

Two hours later and it was finally time. I was ready and so was everything else. I took a peak behind the barn and saw everyone patiently sitting on the chairs, chattering with each other. There wasn't a lot of people, only the villagers and a few other people close to me were attending. But still, my heart was beating loudly and my palms were sweating as I gripped on to the bouquet. Being in front of large crowds did not make me nervous at all but this was different.

Farm Boy | k.taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now