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Taehyung POV

"Will you two ever tell us where you went today?" asked Ara, who was sitting next to Jimin.

"Yeah! You guys have been acting so secretive," commented Taeyeon besides me, "Not that I'm jealous or anything because our time at the spa was great."

She went back to admiring her skin in front of her pocket mirror. Me and Jimin gave eachother a knowing look through the rear-view mirror, a sly smile teasing the ends of his lips. I had to bite back my smile too.

Ara had noticed our quiet exchange because she was squinting at us, eyebrows drawn together and lips pursed.

"You will find out when the time comes," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

I rolled down the car window, allowing the cool evening breeze to blow at my skin. My bangs quickly blew apart exposing my forehead to the cold.

We were driving over a bridge, making our way to a restaurant. In my blazer pocket was the two vouchers we had won at the mall, a free dinner for two. Since it was our last night at the city, we decided to finally use them.

Jimin wanted to treat us to a farewell dinner. So he tagged along with Taeyeon too. He had already been to the place we were heading to and he had mostly nice things to say; the only complaint being that it was expensive.

Shortly after a few turns, we had finally arrived. Jimin slowed down, as he drove through the large parking lot. Once he switched off the engines, we climbed out.

Ara instantly shivered, wrapping her arms around herself and rubbing them. Her red dress fluttered behind her; the way it danced with the wind almost seemed rhythmic. Her newly cut hair glossed even though it was a dark evening.

I wasn't sure if I was just seeing things or if there was actually a light glowing around her. I blinked. When I looked at her again, the light was gone. She was simply surrounded by a dark parking lot.

"Follow me, guys." The three of us quickly walked after him.

When we stepped into the restaurant, I couldn't pin point what it was exactly but it smelled of luxury. I couldn't help but feel out of place, surrounded by all of the intimidating looking people and exquisite furniture. The large area was filled with hush whispers and clanking of glasses containing alcohol that probably not even my many years of savings could afford.

Had it not been for the suit I borrowed from Jimin, I would have probably gained weird looks from people. Yet still, I did not feel comfortable despite looking like I fitted in.

On the other hand, Ara obviously didn't share the discomfort felt by me and my sister. She stood straight, her confidence adding to her already tall stature. I had almost forgotten that Ara came from a wealthy background. Of course she would have come to a place like this many times before.

It wasn't long before she was taking the lead, walking up to the desk and nodding her head to the workers who bowed at us. I felt stupid for returning a full bow at each one of them but I couldn't help it; it was instinct.

She talked to the person behind the desk. I looked around the place, admiring the high ceilings and the massive chandeliers that hung down from it. In the middle of the restaurant was a low stage where the classical melodies were being played by a live band.

"Taehyung, the vouchers," said Ara, opening her palm to me.

"Oh right." I quickly fumbled my pocket before taking out the two pieces of paper and putting it in her hand.

A short man dressed in a waistcoat and bow tie lead the four of us to a table besides the window. Ara sat across from me next to Jimin whilst I sat next to Taeyeon who was admiring the skyscraper view.

"Don't put your head against the glass or you will ruin my hard work," said Ara.

I too would say the same if I had also spent an hour doing her makeup for her. To be honest, I couldn't really recall the difference between Taeyeon before and after the makeup. I didn't understand why it took so long to do it. Obviously I didn't want to tread on that topic because I didn't want to hear their lecture about makeup and its glories.

"Sorry mother," said Taeyeon with a smirk.

I opened the menu in front of me and almost fell off my chair when looking at the price.

"Why is everything so expensive?" I whispered not wanting the other tables to hear.

"Well lucky you for not having to pay," sighed Jimin.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about the voucher!" I let out a sigh of relief, "Let's see what is the most expensive dish."

Ordering was a slow process because Taeyeon simply couldn't make up her mind between beef and lobster. But once we were all done, we chattered on whilst waiting for our dishes.

"It feels so good not having to wear that stuffy mask," said Ara, "I thought I was going to intoxicate myself from my own carbon dioxide."

I was worried for a little while about her face being completely exposed but no one seemed to have recognised her yet. And if they did, there was no commotion over it.

"It's a bit more crowded than I hoped," said Jimin, looking around.

"They are all rich with their own problems. Too busy to deal with celebrity gossip." Ara slouched back on her chair.

"Well if anything goes wrong, at least the exit isn't that far," I eyed the door, causing the others to snigger.

"Everything here is so...so expensive. I feel like I shouldn't touch anything," said Taeyeon, "It must have been difficult for you to adjust to our village from all of this-"

"What are you trying to say about our-"

"Don't you dare try to compare your tractors and other machineries to these," she quickly cut me off, waving her arms around.

"I'm really going to miss you guys. I actually miss farm life, the city can be a bit too much sometimes," Jimin proped his chin on his hand.

Ara nodded her head in agreement.

"I actually wouldn't mind permanently living in the farm," said Ara, "But I do miss acting."

I pursed my lips looking down at the white table cloth. I knew one day she would have to leave the village and return to her life. I knew that she was only with us temporarily.

So why did I feel dissapointed?

A/N So I guess this is going to be the last of Jimin :( The next chapter is also going to be a Taehyung POV! Finally I'm beginning to develop the relationship. I've planned out the whole story till the end so I'm excited.

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