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"You are so funny Taehyung!"

I let out a loud convincing laugh and clapped my hands like a seal. A few seconds later, Taehyung also joined in after realising what I was doing. But our laughter began to die down when Dahye's frown still hadn't left her face.

I awkwardly stood there as her eyes wondered, trying so hard to recognise me.

"Alright, I'm going now!"

I was just about to walk past her but it was too late.

"You can't fool me," she said, "Choi Ara."

She whispered my name and I frantically looked around to see if anyone had heard her. She took a step forwards closer to me, still studying my face. I stayed upright and looked straight into her eyes because I didn't want to make my nervousness obvious.

"Are you going to expose me now?" I said, "Go on then. Tell the world where the girl whom you claimed to be sleeping with your man is hiding."

I spat out my words with anger through clenched jaws. I balled my hands into a fist because I worried any minute they would come up and make contact with her cheeks.

"You did what?"

I let out a groan and turned around to Taehyung. His eyes were wide open and at that moment I just wanted to smack him for being so stupid.

"Of course not! It was just a rumour that she came up with," I said, pointing at Dahye who was now rolling her eyes at me.

"I didn't think the rumour would get this far to the point where it would damage your career so much."

I crossed my arms across my chest and scoffed at her pathetic attempt to victimise herself. After everything she had done to me, she still had the nerve to act like the victim.

"You're so cheap. I don't even know what to say anymore."

I tried to walk away but once again I was stopped by her, as she blocked my path by standing in my way.

"At that time I was really desperate- "

"You are always desperate Dahye! That's why you are always picking fights with me. But no one can see that because you are the nations little sister. The Angel, whilst I'm the 'devil'."

I could sense Taehyung slowly walking away from us two, which was smart of him. Things were getting really personal now and I didn't want him to hear about all of our problems. He heard enough to realise her true colours, so that was good enough.

"Look, I just really needed the movie role that you were about to do or else I would have been kicked out of my company. And I simply said that you two were getting close, not that you were sleeping with him. That was all created by the media."

"This still hasn't changed my opinion on you. In my eyes you are still a witch and a two-faced hoe."

"The feelings are mutual. I feel bad for you so don't worry I won't tell anyone that you are here."

"I don't need your pity."

I shoved her out of my way because I didn't want to be stopped by her again. I was about to walk into my house but after remembering that it was being occupied, I made a U-turn to Yosub's house.

"Hey noona!"

Yosub looked up from his picture book and waved at me. Ignoring him, I sat down next to him on the floor covered with blankets and pillows.

"Can we read this book toge- "

"I'm going to bed."

I cut him off mid-sentence and pulled a blanket over my body as I rested my head on a pillow. I felt a little bad for my rudeness when I heard him sigh but frankly I was not in a good mood. It was nice to have cleared things up a little about the scandal but I was still going to be stuck here for God knows how long.

Could I even trust her to not go around exposing my hideout? What would I do next if that was the case? I couldn't even sleep properly due to all these questions and worries running around my mind. It made me realise just how much my life sucked right now.

Something wet fell on my left arm which my head was resting on. I furrowed my eyebrows and touched my cheeks, only to feel wetness beneath my fingertips.

Am I crying? What is there to even cry about?

I sat up blinking at the darkness, taken aback by the fact that I hadn't cried due to emotional pain since I was a teenager. Sure I had cried plenty when I physically hurt myself. But these sort of tears were really rare for me.

I tried mentally telling myself to stop with the crying. Of course that didn't help because in fact it only made me cry more. I sniffled and wiped the tears that felt foreign to me with the back of my hand.

In the end I gave up and just lied back down again, letting the tears flow down the bridge of my nose. I pursed my lips to stop myself from whimpering too loudly, afraid that I would wake up Yosub and his grandma next to me.

It's okay. No one can see. I will allow it just this once.

A/N Oops I lied lol. This one will be my last update before going on holiday because my flight is tonight. I hope this makes up for the next many days I won't be updating.

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