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"No cell phones, no wifi and your managers will be leaving too,"said Yu Jaeseok the host, reading the mission card.

Straight away the other celebrities gasped and began complaining.

"Now that's just absurd! How do you expect us to cope without wifi?" complained Park Myungsoo to the PD.

"This is going to be hard," said Dahye.

I almost vomited looking at her pouty face. It made me want to gag just looking at her trying so hard to be cute and innocent.

"Awww you guys are just mean! You can't do this to our poor Dahye."

I scowled at them sucking up to her so-called aegyo. They were acting as if she was a princess when in reality she was the definition of a witch.

"And cut!" said the PD.

The five celebrities of the show went separate ways to their designated areas. This was just one of those fake shows where they pretend to go through hardships but behind the scenes, that was certainly not the case.

Taeyeon walked up to the PD and energetically introduced herself.

"Hello! My name is Kim Taeyeon and I want to be an idol because I love to sing and dance. So it would be an amazing opportunity if I could be featured in this show," she said, very quickly

The PD frowned as he eyed the tall young girl up and down.

"You seem to have a very modern and trendy personality."

"Oh thank you very much!" she replied, giggling.

"But with this episode, I am going for the traditional and antique sort of feeling. This is why I chose to film in the countryside."

Taeyeon's smile faltered and she dropped her gaze to the floor, whilst the PD simply walked away. I genuinely felt sorry for her so I was about to go comfort her but a voice called out.

"Hey you."

One of the crew members pointed at my direction. I looked behind me to see who he was talking to.

"I'm talking to you, the one with the short hair."

My upper lip twitched into a scowl at the disrespectful tone of the man's speech. If only he knew who I really was underneath this disguise, he wouldn't dare to speak to me like that.

I changed my expression into a smile and looked at the man who was shorter than me.

"Yes, how can I- "

"Get some refreshments for the celebrities," he said, interrupting me and not even saying please.

I trudged my way to a long table that was set up in the corner. It was filled with foods such as instant noodles and vegetables that the farm members had donated.

I grabbed five instant coffee packets and started preparing five cups. As I waited for the water to boil, a brilliant idea hit me. I smiled and mentally congratulated myself for thinking of such a plan.

I poured a couple spoonful's of sugar in each cup, all except for one. Instead, I quickly reached for the salt and looked around to make sure no one was watching. Swiftly, I dunk four spoonful's of salt and stirred the cup.

I put the five cups on a tray, keeping an eye on the one with salt in it and I went around handing the cups to the celebrities.

I kept the best for last.

I made my way towards Dahye's area where she was getting her make-up done.

"Thanks," she said as she took the cup from my hand, not even glancing at me once.

I bowed my head to hide the smirk that was now forming across my face. I slowly walked away because I was waiting for her reaction.


I turned around to see her spitting out the coffee onto the ground.

Time for me to show off my acting skills.

I quickly rushed to her side and took the cup from her hand.

"I'm so sorry. Oh my God. Please forgive me!"

"It's so salty!"

"Oh God! Not again! I must have mistook it for sugar."

I dramatically gasped as I threw my arms in the air, causing an unnecessary scene. I could sense her growing uncomfortable with the attention we were getting.

She had realised that for a few seconds she had completely forgotten about her angelic image. She cleared her throat and started laughing.

"You are so clever! Totally suited for a variety show!" said Dahye, smiling innocently at me.

The others around her disregarded how she was behaving only a few seconds ago because now they were all smiling and laughing along with her. It made me want to curse at the them all because of how much they sucked up to her.

Two hours had quickly passed by and here I was still watching the shooting of the show, despite how much it pissed me off to see Dahye. Me and Yosub were sitting side by side on our sun loungers. We both had our arms crossed over and a permanent scowl on our faces.

On the other side of me was Taeyeon who had given up from trying to get herself involved in the show. Her countless attempts to put her face in front of the cameras had failed.

The celebrities had been paired up with village members and were now playing a game to win themselves ingredients for a cooking battle. Much to my annoyance, Dahye had been paired with Taehyung.

"You two are like young lovers!" commented Yu Jaeseok.

Dahye covered her face, pretending to be embarrassed with how much the others were complimenting her chemistry with him. But what annoyed me was that Taehyung too was also blushing. You couldn't ignore the dark shade of red that was forming on both of his cheeks.

Also what made it worse was that the other villagers were continuously complimenting Dahye for how kind and beautiful she was. Little did they know that her face was actually made up with plastic, despite her constantly telling the media that she had nothing done.

"Nayeon, you should make her your daughter-in-law!" said Yosub's grandma, nudging Taehyung's mother.

"Maybe I should," replied Taehyung's mum, causing all the ahjumma's to laugh.

"This is more like a love triangle between Dahye, Farm boy and Jackson," said Park Myungsoo.

"But can he backflip like me though?" joked Jackson, causing everyone to laugh at his aloof personality.

Once the game had finished and all the ingredients had been chosen, the shoot was cut to give everyone a break. Taehyung ran over to our direction, fanning his red face. Taeyeon offered her seat and he slumped back on it, letting out a loud sigh.

"Well Captain Obvious, couldn't you try controlling your expression even slightly?" I said, trying to make my annoyance low-key but failing to do so.

"Well damn Ara, not all of us are professional actors like you," he quickly replied back.


For the love of God.

Out of all people, it just had to be the wrong person to hear our conversation.

A/N This is my last update before I go to Hong Kong so I wont be updating for at least a week. Anyone out there shipping Taehyung and Dahye? If yes then Ima go tell Ara to come hunt you down.

Farm Boy | k.taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now