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5 days later,

Naina's POV,

I am losing my head right now. After One Direction's call I was so excited who will be not, One Direction is staying at my house.
I was all around the house almost renovating everything.
One Direction was staying at my house. I've moved on I know Liam will never love me, so why to cry over a person who's not even thinking about you. I am happy, overwhelmed and excited to meet One Direction once again.
We all have great pictures together of Madame Tussands
and all other place we have gone to.
Smile lasts for a second but memories of it lasts forever.
I had informed my mother
about this but not Kirti she is gonna go wild at the sight of his heroes, inspirations, crushes and favourite musicians.

'It is a light  white, I need a dark white'. I instructed the maid about the curtain to be replaced.

'Seriously Naina dark and light white'. Kriti shake
her head walking inside the room.
I stared her she was wearing black city shorts a black T-shirt and a black knee high boots. Why she always dresses this black. I guess she's a demon. I don't want her to feed on souls around.

'Forget'. I smirked at her and she grinned. Dark white and light white exist. I guess they do exist.

'What are all these arrangements for, who's coming'. She asked picking up the new vase placed seconds ago on the place.
I snatch it from her I don't want her to break it into pieces.

'It is fifth and last time I am answering your question, our cousins are arriving.' I decalared instead of answering. I am lying cause I want to get her a huge surprise when she'll see One Direction in our house.
I should take an ambulance with me incase she recives a heart attack.

'Everything looks preety well'. Mom entered the room from the nearby room with several files in her hand.

'Yes'. I replied.

'Preety well for some cousins who never came when we needed them.' Kirti said with a hint of sarcasm in her words but it was anger and frustration.

'Don't say that way darling'. Mum said lightly stroking Kirti's cheek. There was no expression change there was exactly no change.

'I wanted to tell you both that I am leaving for Delhi today afternoon for a meeting and will return a week later'. She informed placing the files in a pile and them picking them up again.
Kirti mouth fell in an expression of disapproval like she didn't wanted this she hated mom being out most of her time.

'But mom...' I tried to request her to stay but I was interupted.

'Please darling its important. I hope you understand'. She explained removing some files from her pile.

'Everything is important'. Kirti exclaimed and stepped out of the room with heavy footsteps. This was a mockery a sarcastic angry statement which surely hurted mum. I don't blame Kirti she is disappointed with the lack of time she gets with mum. Plus, her sixteenth birthday was coming and mum won't be here with her to celebrate.

But right now I have to go and pick up One Direction from airport this will make up Kirti's mood she can even burst up like a big ballon.

'I'll fix her mum'. I assured mum when I saw that disappointed look covering her face.


Now the moment was about to come, the car was slowly pulling into the entrance to the international airport. It was a tiny ten minute journey but for me it was no less than ages.

I hope I don't jump at Liam and scare him to run back London after all he's my old crush.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Who is calling me right now at such an exciting moment.
I pulled out my phone and than saw an unknown number. I recived the call and brought it close to my ear.

'Hey Naina its Zayn, man'. Zayn said from the otherside. I almost jumped on my seat leaving Kirti stunned.

'Naina who's there on the phone making you jump'. She asked the deadliest smirk spread across her face.

'Nothing its just...' I started making up some excuse but was interupted by Kirti.

'Forget I know you're crazy I don't need an explanation'. She said sighing and then looking back her own phone.

I wanted to reply but right now speaking to Zayn was more necessary.

'Are you still there, man'. Zayn asked again.

'Yes I am'. I replied, trying not to jump again.

'When are you coming'. He asked again.

'I am almost there'. I answered him continuously glancing at Kirti if she's getting a hint.

' we are here in the VIP waiting room'. He informed me now I have to go there inside the waiting room. I hope Paul still remembers me.

'Yes I am coming'. I said.

'Come fast Niall is almost starving, Liam being obsessed with Niall, is a little worried. Harry is hell sleppy and Louis needs an urgent shower he was a little sick and puked on himself and here me my hair have turned nest. So we need you come here fast, man'. He said in one breath making me chuckle a little loudly.

I saw Kirti shaking her head as if tired of me.

'I'll be there soon'. I answered Zayn's big funny  question.

'Fine come fast Liam's waiting'. He said leaving me stunned Liam is waiting for me.

'What do you mean'. I gasped. I wanted to know I was desperate to know.

'Liam, me, Harry, Niall and Louis everyone are waiting for you'. He replied a little frantically.
Before I could ask the reason of his violent reply. He said goodbye and hung up.

Was he acting stranage. I don't think, maybe I am over thinking there is no reason for Liam to wait for me. Plus maybe I am a little over excited. Little or maybe a little too much excited.

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