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Harry's POV

That was great having breakfast with One Direction'. Naina's boyfriend said standing up from his chair just like Naina.

'Great knowing you'. I said not really meaning it. He was the reason of Liam's heartbreak, it is not the only reason I hate this guy. He is actually evil. He has negative aura. A big smug smile. His brown eyes contain all those unpleasant feelings like that of anger,annoyance, lust and all those feelings that makes someone a despicable man.

'I'll be back in a minute'. Naina said and I guess she is going to see off her boyfriend.
Both of them started moving out with their every step I could feel the desperate need to get rid of K getting stronger. K's fear was increasing with our restlessness.

We all were staring Naina as she was walking closer to the door and we all were getting even more desperate. K's fear was increasing with every step that Naina took.

Then it came, Naina was finally standing just a step away from the door. It was happening in slow motion her left leg lifted up and stepped out.

The action begins.

K had realized our growing desperation and forcefully pushed her chair behind to runaway from four blood hungry vampires. We all realized that we've got to run when the chair fell on the floor with a big Thud.
Zayn rushed to the rescue and destroyed all her intentions by catching her.

Zayn caught a hold over her arm one of his hands wrapped around the base of her neck. This was not an expression that Zayn was going to break her neck any moment. It was just a way to tackle the girl. She was struggling to remove Zayn's hand from the base of her neck.

'Who's the king'. Zayn screamed excitedly at his victory.

Niall, Louis and me were standing in front of them staring the two guys struggling. Zayn was making efforts to keep the hold and K was labouring to remove Zayn's grip.

'Leave me Zayn'. K pleaded rather warned with a clenched mouth.

'That's not gonna happen'. Zayn shakes his head teasingly.

Zayn caught now my hands are actually itching to throb the girl in front of me. Plus, I have tons of questions to ask and then we have to get back to Liam and convince him to try to make his confession to Naina.

'Zayn last time, are you leaving me'. K asked roughly like she was confident that she'll be able to remove the grip anyway.

'Try me'. Zayn replied, pouting at K. The angry expression on K's was really visible.

K sighed and then shake her head signifying as if she has no choice. I was really curious about what was she going to do. She lifted her leg slowly. Zayn was too proud to observe all of this. The next moment a loud scream of pain erupted from Zayn's mouth and he had to let go K. Before, we could run to capture her she ran away.

'Zayn' Niall asked concerned when he saw the guy in front of him sinking to the floor and whining in pain. We were still wondering what the hell she did.

'She...kicked my'. Zayn said still whining and curling up in a ball on the floor.

He didn't needed to describe the place. K was such a smart and a really intelligent girl.

'Run, go get her'. Zayn screamed at all of us. We all gained our senses and then realized that we've to get her.
All of us started chasing K we weren't really away from her we had to follow her cause' we didn't knew the routes of the huge house.

I turned behind to look if Niall and Louis were even running. Louis was a few steps behind me and Niall was almost a mile away.

'Niall being Niall'. I heard Louis comment.

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