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Liam's POV

I saw K as she tossed her food on her plate, slowly playing with it, she been acting strange since last night. It is barely a day I've met her but even this twenty four hour experience makes it very clear that she is a really straight forward person, she is rough and tough and still mysterious. She is playful most of the time but today she looked silent, it was like she was deserted from inside or maybe I was over thinking.
'So when are you leaving for your concert?' Naina asked taking a sip from her juice.

'We have a late night show today we'll go by nine and come back by twelve maybe, till then we're free'. Harry said chewing his food. Today Naina asked us to try something Indian and here we were eating an Indian breakfast and I can't even pronounce there names.

'Would you come tonight?'. Zayn asked.

'No I've got to go somewhere'. and the moment this statement ended K choked on her food. She coughed loudly in attempt to take in air.

'Slam her on her back, Zayn'. Naina told Zayn who was sitting beside K. Zayn slammed her back with a lot of strength. She finally spit the thing out in a tissue paper.

She took a heavy breath and breathed in and out several times. Harry passed her water and she took huge gulps of water.

' you almost killed me, you punched me so hard'. She told Zayn once she was alright.

'You are welcome, I had expected a thank you'. Zayn playfully shrugged as that smug look of a lopsided smile and a complacent but humorous look in his eyes.

Everyone else chuckled as the tiny debate ended.

I wonder what made her choke, that was not at all natural. I could sense that nervousness in her. She choked for a reason, she sounded surprised when Naina refused to come.

'K would you come'. I asked eyeing her the Sherlock Holmes look in my eyes. I wanted to make her realize that I've sensed something wrong. I tried to look like I was pretending to be good. Basically, I was pretending to pretend.

'Yes' She hesitantly nodded. I bet she sensed the look on my face. She was confused for moments but than she soon realized that her secret is about to open.

Suddenly, Niall said something but with his over stuffed mouth no one understood him.

'What'. Louis exclaimed, asked Niall as Louis widened his eyes and twisted his mouth.

'I said food is really good'. Niall screamed in Louis' ear. Louis rubbed his ear lightly. Then all of a sudden k yelled or maybe it was a try to reduce my focus . I think she sensed what I was thinking.

'Soccer, would you play soccer, I know you all like soccer'. K almost jumped on her chair at the name of soccer.

'You like soccer'. Harry asked a little surprised.

'I love soccer,cricket, boxing, basketball and singing'. She replied completely overwhelmed.

'You do boxing'. I asked quite interested I love boxing too.

'Yes, and I know you love boxing I am a directionier'. She nodded.

'Who's your favorite boxer'. I asked I wanted to know.

'Floyd Mayweather'. She replied.

'I like you'. I said nodding and grinning.

'I love you too'. She replied winking at me. My jaw dropped. I tried to mock but instead she turned back to me like anything. I guess she just pretends to be fifteen.

'Come on lets go'. She pulled her chair.

'I'll get the football, Naina will take you to front yard.' K ran away excitedly and I saw as Naina shakes her head after K's exit.


Everyone had exited and I was waiting beside the staircase for K to come.

I waited for her as she started climbing down, a football in her hand. She looked at me confused. Her eyes slanting at the ends as she narrowed her eyes at me. Her lips twisted in a light smile.

'You are not going' she asked as she eyed me a grin spread across her face.
She was finally standing in front of me. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed.
The look of confusion on her face increased and her grim was now replaced by a frown.
'What's going on kiddie'. I asked a tone of seriousness plastered in my voice my eyes straight not blinking, lips in a straight line and eyebrows raised.

'What are you talking about'. She said quite confidently, she could have stammered but she is too smart.

'Look Kiddie I can see that expression on your face'. I warned staring the expressionless face. The blank face staring at me.

'Expression in your eyes'. I finally improvised.

'Look Liam there's nothing at all and if I had something. why would I tell you?' She said angrily but not rudely. She crossed her arms,letting the ball in her hand fall and then made her facial expressions just like me.
I stayed quite. He picked up the ball and started to walk off.
My back was facing her back as she walked towards the door.

'But if it is related to me or Naina you have to tell me'. I said glancing at my shoulder. I didn't saw her face but I could tell she was speechless. She was frozen on the spot as ball fell to the floor.
I turned behind her back was facing me and I bet she could fell my eyes burning holes into her. The ball rolled towards my feet and moments she turned behind.

'Its not related to you Liam'. She replied first time, her face dropped as she shakes her head.

'Then tell me'. I demanded my voice hard. I was trying to sound strict and serious and it was not difficult.

'You wanna know' she said with power in her voice. Like she had a strange strength in her.

'I am upset cause its my sixteen birthday coming and my mum will not be here for me. You won't get it Liam'. She ended. Her voice sounding cracking but she didn't wanted me to know and was able to cover it up really well. Her eyes turned watery and glassy but in a second they turned dry without any wiping K had a great control over her feelings.

'I am sorry, I was too hard'. I apologized not really feeling it.

'Its fine'. She replied and picking up the ball she and walked off.

I know it was another lie. I am a Virgo with just one glance I can differ in truth or lie. I didn't forced her, I knew I won't be able to get anything out of her this way. I needed patience and now she thinks that I believe her. This will help me and after this I am pretty sure this all is related to me or Naina.

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