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Liam's POV

It was the garden where I was sitting after that conflict. It was a silent place, with a tiny wooden bench. The bench was small and my legs were crushing some amount of grass under my leg. The long grasses were tickling my ankle and I can tell they were soft.
One of the servants were watering the plants and probably the sound of water was the only sound in the garden. It was hot outside, the sun was shining brightly. I wonder if the weather is this warm every single day over here, or it is another joke that destiny wants to play.
I was sitting there wondering about all things that happened. It was so sudden, that I didn't received any chance to take in whatever happened. The things were changing too fast not for the better but for the worse.
I don't what the hell inside me right now cause' I don't have any control over my body. It is like someone else in controlling me.
The situation is so strange. Entire time I've been waiting to finally say it. When from nowhere jumped this guy. I don't want to let go off Naina, she's my everything. But, I am not left with any other choice.
Naina is not the type of girl who will leave one hand and hold another. She is loyal to love and maybe this is what made me fall in love with her.

Their is only one line that is echoing in my head,

I've been thinking about you lately, does it ever drives you crazy ,just how fast the night changes. Everything that you've ever dreamed of, disappearing when you wake up.

'But there's nothing being afraid off'.
I heard the sweetest voice sing from behind me. I could easily recognise the voice. After all it was the voice I was crying about.
I turned behind to look at Naina standing behind the bench grinning at me. Her smile automatically making my lips curve in a smile. Although my smile was hiding the pain inside me.

'Even when the night changes it will never change me and you'. Naina walked towards me standing in front of me, staring in my eyes smiling lightly.

'Hi' I said. It was all I could manage to say. My voice would crack after seeing Naina.
I wish I was the reason for her to smile, but I am not.

'Hey' she waved at me and took a seat beside me on the tiny bench.

'You think you were just imagining those lines, right'. She asked with a gleaming smile.

I nodded, was there something strange in my imaging. I hope not.

'You were singing them out loud'. She chuckled and the two dimples popped in her cheeks. They make her look so adorable.

I chuckled with her and after that, there was no sound. She was quite, I wasn't speaking either. This was not an awkward silence. It was comfortable.

'Liam, Harry told me about whatever happened'. She started not looking at me and staring her feet.
What the hell Harry told her. Harry told Naina that I love her. Is he insane. I don't know how to react. I am nervous my neck is sweating like anything. What if she refused and would hate me forever. Fuck. I will kill Harry for doing this.

' I know you're good at heart, you're an amazing person'. She started explaining herself. Well.. I don't have a feeling that she'll hate me. But, am sure she'll refuse.

'Listen Naina before you answer me, just think about me. My heart's already breaking and you are the only one who can fix it'. I discovered myself saying out my feelings to her. Maybe it will make her realize how much I love her and how much I need her.

'Liam, I know your heart's breaking but I won't say anything that will hurt you'. She replied shaking her head. The feeling of love and affection clear in her eyes. Her smile was bright, giving me hopes that probably her answer is a yes.

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