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Liam's POV

I open the door with trembling hands cause' at the other end of this door is standing the villain of this story. I really want this plan to work cause' if it wouldn't I am sure there will hardly be any chance of me winning this case.
I see her standing there her hands crossed against her chest and an evil toothy grin on her lips. I really want to punch the grin of her face but I can't.

'Hey, love.' I yelled as loud as I could to give the guys a signal that she's in. LOVE, my foot. She is a big box of hate and I am calling her love. Right now I am more fake than her.

'Hello.' I heard a voice from behind her and I already know who's going to pop up from behind Abril. I see Chloe standing there with the most fake smile I've ever seen. How can someone manage to pretend so much. It's impossible for a normal human being.

'What are you doing here.' Was the question I asked almost instantly. My eyes narrowed.

'Well.......because I am her lawyer so I can't let you play some trick on her. I'll make sure whatever you do is legal.' She smirked raising an eyebrow.

'C'mon Chloe, he's Liam he can't kill a fly. He won't do anything illegal.' Abril looked at me with a big fake smile. I can murder you, isn't that illegal. Obviously it is illegal it'll be animal abuse.

'Of course.' I smiled.

'Are you inviting us in, it's really hot out here.' Abril flapped her hand in front of her face sighing. Hot weather in January. Are you serious.

'Come in.' I step aside to let them in. I hope the guys will find a way to get rid of Chloe.

Naina's POV

'We need to find a way to distract Chloe.' Harry said panicking and I kept thinking for an idea.

'Yes but how.' Zayn asked pacing the room just like Harry; suddenly Louis whipped his head towards Zayn watching him intently as if he had just seen Jesus Christ. Harry narrowed his eyes when he saw Louis watching Zayn that way. Soon Harry's expression changed and he watched Zayn the same way Louis did. Zayn didn't realized the pair of eyes watching him intently. Niall stared Zayn for awhile and then as if something strikes him Niall's eyes widened and a smile covered his face.

'Zayn.........' Louis trailed with and evil lopsided smile on his face. Zayn saw the look on their faces and seemed a little uncomfortable. He widened his eyes as he saw everyone's gaze on him.

'What?' Zayn questioned raising an eyebrow.

'You can distract her.' Harry gave Zayn a larger than life grin. How can Zayn distract Chloe.

'How?' Zayn questioned and suddenly as if an idea of some intentions strikes him his eyes widened. 'No, no, no don't even think of that.' Zayn stated almost screaming.

'Can someone explain this to me.' I asked raising my hand. Because I don't have any idea about what's on their mind.

'Chloe really likes Zayn.' Niall told me giving me a wink with an evil smile. Okay, I get this now.

'Zayn please do it.' Louis pleaded him and really please do it.

'No, no.' Zayn declared taking a step back.

'Please Zayn, please do this for Liam.' Harry begged giving him the best puppy dog face.

'Forget it, I am not doing this.' Zayn said facing away from Harry.

'Zayn please.' The three of them sang in a chorus.

'No.' Zayn said simply shaking his head. Brace yourself for some acting Naina.

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