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Liam's POV:

'Finally I am dialling the number'. Harry said.

We all had a full proof plan. Management had decided to stay in India for three days. But the entire afternoon we were behind them asking them for a span of week and we had convinced them for our purpose. We had arranged another hotel for management and for Jon, Josh, Dan and Sandy. We were planning to stay at Naina's place. Obviously this will bother her but everything is fair in love and war.
We had given her our numbers but than Harry had asked her to delete them and she did.
Now, we are calling her trying to convince her to let us stay in her house. We are going to tell her that we are staying for a week.
If the plan works it's my plan but if not it was Harry's idea.
Zayn will act like a female employee, we choose him because he played a great Veronica malik in Best Song Ever.

'Zayn are you ready'. Louis asked. We were all gathered around that phone like it was a magic book.
We had received Naina's number from the management of that contest.

'Are we ready'. I asked everyone around me.

Everyone else nodded.

Harry pressed the button and the phone had started to ring, it was on speaker so Naina could hear what we are speaking.

After a couple of rings someone picked up.

'Hello'. Harry said.

'Hello' naina said
'may I know who's speaking' she questioned. I finally heard the sweet voice. It was a relief for me like after a lot of years there was a rain. Turning the dry field of my heart into a garden.

'Guess who is speaking'. Niall questioned Naina.

'Excuse me'. She chuckled confused about who was speaking.

'Guess..' Harry was about to speak but Naina interrupted him.

'Are you intrested to tell who's calling or should I hang up'. Naina warned. She is like an angry Indian goddess.

'Fine fine'. Louis started calming down Naina.

'These are five guys calling'. Harry started.

'Please tell me whose on phone'. Naina urged us. I was waiting for her reaction when she will come to know it is us calling.

'Guess Naina'. I finally spoke up trying to boost of Naina.

'Liam'. She exclaimed. She recognized my voice.
'Liam is that you'. She screamed.
I smiled to myself although I knew she is unable to see me.
Others chuckled.

'Naina it is us'. Niall said in the phone.

'One second'. She said and then there were screams erupting from that side... Was she that excited listening to our voice.
I picked up the phone bringing it close to my ear and heard her pleasant voice although it was loud.

'You are calling after a long time'. She breathed heavily while saying this.

'Well for the first time'. Harry passed a little crooked smile.

'We needed to inform you something'. I was the one to remind this that we have got to work over our plan.

'Yes'. She said and I could imagine her lovely smile with those charming dimples on her cheeks.

'We're coming India'. We all screamed together.

'Seriously'. She exclaimed. 'I mean that's wonderful'.

'One Direction'. Zayn said in a girlish voice. How was he able to change that heavy manly pitch of his into a little low and softer one. He is great actor. Maybe.

'Yes'. Niall pretended his voice sincere.

'We are not getting any hotel for you five to stay'. Zayn said again this time hamming it up. His hands waved all around him signalling more pain than required. It was like he was playing Juliet in a play not a simple assistant. He is an awful actor.

'Oh no'. Louis exclaimed. He is another horrible actor. His exclamation was no less than a manager being declared bank corrupt. I shaked my head signalling annoyance.

'Sorry Naina maybe we won't come, ' I pretended to regret and I was having the best performance. Atleast better than Zayn.

'I heard that all'. She said sadly, she was believing us even though Zayn and Louis had almost destroyed it.

'Maybe if you don't mind would you like to stay at my place'. She asked little hesitantly we all slowly gave each other high fives we were waiting for this question.

'Of cour..' before I could completed Harry kicked signalling to act a little more.

'Of course not it would bother you'. I improvised a little bit.

'No it won't, it would be a pleasure instead'. She insisted.

'Okay..' I was about agree when Harry kicked me again. I should act even more.

'Okay, it won't bother you but we will feel uncomfortable'. Harry improvised. Uncomfortable and Harry words don't concide. Harry is never uncomfortable.

'Okay then if you are not comfor..' Naina was about to take back her invitation.

'How can we refuse if you're insisting so muchhhh...we are coming'. I assured before she takes back her invitation. I was all frantic at this moment.

'That will be wonderful'. She screamed again. I wanted to scream too. But i couldn't.

'Is Zayn there in the band'. She questioned confused or with a hint of sarcasm.

'Of course he is'. Louis exclaimed.

'he's not speaking anything'. She replied. Yes being in his role he didn't said anything.

'Hey Naina, all cool man'. Niall pretended to be Zayn turning his voice a little heavier then that of real Niall. We all gaped our mouths and stared him. He gave out his adorable smile.
We saw Zayn passing Niall a devil glare.

'When our you arriving here'. Naina asked.

'Five October'. Harry replied.

'Great just five days later'. She overjoyed again just like me.

'Call you later Naina'. Louis said. No don't hang up.

'Bye'. She chuckled.

'Bye'. We all yelled together in a sink.
She hang up.

'Niall'. Zayn grinned his teeth together and then took a grip of him punching him playfully.

'Leave me you're my assistant'. Niall chuckled sneering Zayn.

'Zayn'. I screamed running towards him. After separating him from Niall.
I punched him not playfully.

He winced a little. 'What have I done'. He asked.

'What have you done, you had chewed up the scene, you almost destroyed it'. I scolded him punching him again.

'I was not that bad'. He started defending himself.

'Exactly you were not that bad, you were extremely bad'. I smirked and slapped his arms lightly. He chuckled punching my arm.

I am extremely happy we are going India. I am just praying for everything to be good.

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