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'Shit, shit, shit.' Niall panicked and some people at the church gave him glares as he cursed in a church.

'How can this bubble machine stop working right now.' K complained fake punching the bubble machine.

'Your mother's gonna kill us.' Louis yelled loudly.


Naina walked behind the church because Liam messaged her to meet him behind the church and she was kinda nervous because Liam called her just six minutes before the marriage ceremony to talk. She was wearing her wedding dress and instead of walking to the aisle she's hear at the back of the church to discuss something serious with him.

'Hey.' Naina said walking towards Liam her face red as she saw Liam in the tuxedo. Liam was mesmerized to see Naina in her wedding dress, with the veil and tiara. Liam bites his tongue between his teeth as he saw Naina. He covered his mouth with one hand to hide the larger than life smile on his face.

'You, you look so beautiful.' Liam smiled at Naina and she blushed. 'Today you look like the most beautiful girl in this world.' Liam walked towards her closing the gap between them and now they were only inches apart.

'You don't look bad yourself.' Naina teased.

'That sounds like a compliment.' Liam smiled and then it was a silence between them.

'This is weird.' Liam sighed rubbing the back of his neck.

'What?' Naina asked a little shocked.

'This, I mean we both are acting formal towards each other, have you ever seen awkward silence between us.' Liam almost yelled running a hand through his hair.

'Well......that's alright, formality is a part of this husband-wife relationship, because our relationship is getting even more official, this may feel awkward.' Naina shrugged.

'And that's something I want to avoid.' Liam said Naina looked at him curiously searching for any expression. Liam sighed before rubbing his face and then staring at Naina again. 'Naina, their are endless number of relationships in this world that ended because their was a formality between them.' He said softly licking his bottom lip.

'Don't tell me you're cancelling this .' Naina squeezed her eyes almost afraid for the answer to be yes.

'No.' Liam jumped on his spot 'I never said that.'

'Then what do you mean?' Naina questioned again.

'I mean that I don't want any formality. I want our relationship to stay as it is, it shouldn't change, it should remain as it is for better or worse.' Liam smiled at her. 'Do you promise, to stay the way we are, to stay my girlfriend before you become my wife. I want you to take these vows before the wedding vows.' Liam took a deep breath and stared Naina directly in her eyes.

'Liam, there was no need to say all of this, we'll always remain same no matter what, but still I respect and love you even more after this.' Naina smiled at Liam and Liam licked his lips.

'I don't know what made me say that, but yeah I did.' Liam raised his shoulders and smiled. Before he knew it he had pulled Naina into a kiss and she moved her lips with his in a sink. Liam wrapped his arms around her waist and she inched closer to Liam running her hand into his hair.


Liam stood on the altar but he couldn't figure out why Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn and K were standing beside the aisle as soft music played in the background.

'What are you guys doing there.' Liam asked them and the priest eyed Liam for a moment.

'We're helping you, appreciate it.' Zayn declared looking at the front again Liam sighed and rolled his eyes and the music that was being played by the orchestra stopped.

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